
Stir As A New Rival Party To Neutralize And Oust RAILA ODINGA In Nyanza Launched In KISUMU By Top ODM Luminaries

A new political wave has been brewing in the ODM ‘monopiliticised’  Nyabza region with some forces bracing and spoiling fir a fight to neutralize Raila Odinga’s influence amongst the Luos which has been there fir a while.
The likes of Rongo MP have openly declared there rivalry and compared balls sizes with Luo king Raila Odinga’s. At the height if all these a new political party has been launched in Kisumu specifically to ‘de-ODM’ the region.  Officially launched by  Nyakach Parliamentary perennial loser Grace
Akumu,the main owners of the party according to political corridors rumors are  Rongo MP Dalmas Otieno
Anyango,TNA right handsman Onyango Oloo,Nairobi Givernor Kidero amongst others are listed as the party ‘s main financiers.  The unveiled party us called Citizens Convention Party
It’s said millions have been set aside for recruitment exercise in what they say will revolutionize the politics of region main target is the youth which they say will be recruited as members in their millions.
Should Raila be worried that he’ll be overthrown as Luo king ? Can this party be the end of ODM?

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