A notorious city scammer, who is among the 31 suspects arrested in connection with a multi-million gold scam targeting foreigners, is a friend to Nairobi...
media influencer and blogger Scophine Aoko Otieno, widely known as Maverick Aoko, has publicly addressed her sudden disappearance for the first time since she was...
After days of scrupulous pursuit for notorious city fraudsters who defrauded two Dubai-based businessmen over USD 39,900 in a fake gold scam, DCI Operations detectives...
It was somewhere between April 2024 when whispers from within the offices of Tecno Transsion Electronics (Pvt) Ltd in Nairobi began to catch the attention...
Equatorial Guinea’s government has restricted its citizens from downloading and sharing multimedia files using mobile data on WhatsApp. This decision from the country’s government was...
Socialite Risper Faith, also known as Risper Manyonge Njunge, recently addressed her commitment to cosmetic surgery, explaining that her decision to undergo various procedures is...
Baltasar Ebang Engonga, Director General of Equatorial Guinea’s National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF), is currently at the centre of a major scandal after authorities discovered...