
REVEALED: Westgate Attack Leader Was A Christian Muslim Convert And Former KENYA SPECIAL FORCES Officer

A UK based media outlet Channel 4 has exclusively revealed the true identities of the 21/9 terror attack at the Westgate mall that rocked the country.Citing reliable sources from Somalia,the attack was carried out by a former Kenyan officer attached to the special forces and a Christian-Muslim convert.Multiple sources connected to al-
Shabaab,confirms to Channel 4 that the leader’s Jihadi fighting name is Omar or Umayr.Omar crossed over to Somalia in 2005 where he joined Kamboni militant Muslim group and later embarked on training the Al Shabaab militias martial arts amongst other fighting techniques.Umayr is said to have a Christian family back here in Nairobi and are currently under police’s eyes. Reasons as to why he fell out with the special are still unclear but the source says he was told off as being incompetent.Finally gave up his life in what they call martyrdom to attack Westgate knowing he would be killed. This could explain at the accuracy of the sharpshooting from the attackers’ side,he could probably have been the one due to his past experience.It’s also said he used his Kenyan roots to secure the stall at the mall which would later be turned into the weapons safe for the attack.Another person mentioned in the Scoop report as one of the attackers is Khadhab, a Somali nation,it’s said before attacking,he had based in Kenya,staying in Eastleigh estate and working at a bookshop all this to disguise his intentions. He is said to have been put into torture by the CIA in Somalia where he was imprisoned and later escaped.The fact that this attack was masterminded by s Kenyan and worse a former special police officer,puzzles. The terrorists in more than an instance bragged of having moles planted all over the forces,something that experts stipulates to have frustrated the rescue since someone was communicating to the attackers some of the police’s and army moves.Credits: Channel 4

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