
5 New & Improvised Tricks Campus Students are Using for Cheating In Their Exams Exposed

Its exams times in most of the campuses and this is that time where  everybody gets their geeks mode on,libraries ever filled up,discussion groups comes to effect all in the name of eventually passing the exams. As others go the righteous way,others sought out for divergent alternatives to passing the exams. In plain terms they use cheating methods to aid them through the papers.
In this article we shall reveal to you some of the most common cheating tricks we’ve come across. Time changes and old tricks are never applicable,they get replaced,students never delay to change with time,matter of fact,they are highly responsive. Some of the emerging trends include and not limited to
• Google
Technology is now being incorporated in the game,gone are the days of making short notes,they have mastered the art. Google is a one stop for all information,its the biggest search engine,so if one happens to get stuck during the exams they simply check in on google with their phones and key in the words for search. It has escalated in the wake of smart phones.
• Mwakenya
This legendary method never gets old,the name will vary with the school but from where I come from they call it mwaks or 16GB,for those who doesn’t know,this usually a page folded severally to a tiny piece,its filled up with key contents that the student depicts relevant,then the paper will be unfolded as the exam proceeds. Its a dangerous method as you risk getting caught by the sneaky and stealthily walking lecture,needles to remind you of the consequences of getting caught cheating in an exam.
• Slider
Smart phones comes with advanced features,now for example windows phone you are able to make a powerpoint presentation. The students will make such and launch it in the exams room,its an advanced version of mwaks only that its digital.
• Phone Call
This is the latest trick up the sleeve,what happens here involves a third party,the student will conspire with someone who isn’t in the exam room. This is what happens,the outsider is given the phone number to the supervising lecturer motive being destruction,the outsider is expected to be making a call to the teacher in an agreed time intervals. Its a fact when a call comes in,the lecturer will excuse himself to go outside to pick up the call,that’s the target,the moment he steps out,the students takes chance and copy real quick.
• Ladies Tattoo
Its not what it sounds like,this style is common amongst ladies,since in campus most people are grown up,you just can’t do body search especially on ladies lest it amount to sexual harassment,ladies are known to write on their thighs and come to the exams room in relatively short skirts for easier . Also those with bigger boobies write on the obvious point.

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