
RAILA Claims Jubilee Used The Military To RIG Elections As KALONZO MUSYOKA Tells Of An Early General Elections

[CORD leaders at a rally in Kisumu Sports Ground]
Kisumu city was filled with political chanting as the locals turned out in thousands in what would be the first ever CORD leaders would hold a rally together after the elections. As expected,the field was charged and political statements were made.
Raila Odinga who was the CORD’s presidential candidate in the highly contested 2013 general elections where he came close second after Jubilee’s Uhuru Kenyatta,took to the podium to shed more “light” to the eager followers who referred to him as the president.
Raila told the crowd in the local dialect that Uhuru and Ruto used state machinery including the military to frog match out CORD officials from BOMAS which was the nerve centre for  presidential results tally. Odinga claimed,this step was used to rig without questioning from the watchful eyes.
Raila said the jubilee duo were hell bent to capture the seat whichever way given their hideous cases of crimes against humanity at the international crimes court.
He also said the petition at the supreme court failed to materialise stating that chief justice Willy Mutunga was held by his balls and could not make a fair judgement. The CORD leaders both at the really assured supporters of their commitment to stay together to ensure they clinch the top seat in 2017.
Talking of which Wiper party leader and the then CORD presidential running mate Kalonzo Musyoka hinted on a possibility of an early elections while prophesying the collapse of jubilee government earlier than 2017, “Those saying the next
election will be conducted in 2017 are wrong because I believe it can be done anytime before then,” said former Vice President
Kalonzo Musyoka.

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