
I Don't Believe In Jesus Existence And He Adds No Value To My Life Says CCTV's RAMAH NYANG

Journalist Ramah Nyang who has confirmed his position as an atheist could face more criticism from a religious country as Kenya.

He is quoted saying, “I’m an atheist. I was raised as a Christian in a Christian family, but as I grew older and studied it, in detail, I realised that Christianity adds no value to my life. As a way of life, it is untenable.”

In a defensive post, Ramah goes further to justify his stand on atheism saying,”you can believe that Enkai, Ngai, Allah, Yahweh etc created the planet and give life if you want. Empirically, however, that doesn’t make it fact. There’s also a logical inconsistency in arguing that Yahweh, for example, created the universe to the exclusion of all other ‘deities’. Allah & his followers make the same claim. If neither of you can empirically prove your position, all you’re left with is blind”

And if you are feeling for him and wants to say a prayer on his behalf, the rebellious journalist has this for you,” Let’s take this ‘pray-for-you’ argument to its logical conclusion, shall we? You pray to some deity and seek to attain what end? Conversion? My life is fine as is and Chrisitianity adds no value to it. The time and energy spent on prayer is surely better used on your own needs, is it not?”

Any word to Ramah?

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