
American Bishop T.D JAKES Gets In Trouble With Kenyans And Gets Trolled,Forced To Make An Apology

Kenyans on twitter better known as KOT have been known to take down many people,when it comes to trolling no one beats them.
One Denis Nzioka a gay activist tweeted a controversial link to an article that in no minutes rubbed Kenyans the wrong way.
The article in which T.D Jakes was dissing the controversial reality show  Preachers Of L.A dismissing as a junk,Jakes says he is not into the showing off kind of business that goes on in the documentary but his work talks for itself.
Its the following statement that led to the outrage;
So let the work I’ve done speak for me. You
are sowing into good ground. And the 300
families that are employed in this ministry eat
from this ministry, work in this ministry, and
help us to produce the excellence that we do,”
he explained. “The natives all over Kenya drink
water because of this ministry. And the
hospital in Nairobi survives because of this
ministry.” Said Jakes.
The statement didn’t go well with many feeling insulted especially by referring to Kenyans as Natives and insinuating that he funds the entire system of water he mentioned.
What followed was unchained trolling under #SomeOneTellTDJakes trending on twitter. Under an hour the bishop was forced to quickly make an apology. Here is the statement addressed to Kenyans;
Statement from Bishop T.D. Jakes
An attempt in last Sunday’s sermon to distinguish myself from an American television program portraying preachers in a manner that I found unseemly has caused some offense in Kenya. For that I apologize. 
My intent was to show the extensive humanitarian efforts by TD Jakes Ministries through its MegaCARE arm as a means of further distinguishing this organization from the TV program’s exclusive focus on the personal material wealth of the individual ministers over the works of the Gospel. 
The attempt was to highlight one well and one hospital wing in Kenya as one example of this ministry’s worldwide efforts. It was by no means meant to take responsibility for an entire nation or to minimize the contributions of its people.
My focus has always been about the mission of helping hurting people in every circumstance of life, anywhere in the world.
The extemporaneous comments when taken out of context convey a meaning far from the intent of my heart. I meant only to communicate to my constituents that my love is for people as demonstrated through years of practical ministry.
The fact that these heart-felt words have been taken to mean anything other than their original intent deeply saddens me.
I love Kenya and the entire continent of Africa. I am proud of its efforts and grateful to have had an opportunity to minister to its people on numerous occasions. 
I trust that this explanation will end this apparent misunderstanding.
In His service,
Bishop Jakes

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