
Al Shabaab Are INNOCENT The Terror Attacks Are By CORD To Force In RAILA To Power NACADA Director FAZUL YUSUF 'Reveals'

In the wake of coordinated terror attacks that have rocked the entire country in past weeks or months, blame games have been coming back and forth starting with the executive blaming judiciary, the NIS blamed by police for shoddy feeds.
Many theories and ideologies have been forthcoming the latest is from one senior civil servant, NACADA National Director and a friend to Jubilee Government Fazul YUSUF who is breaking a sweat to expose what he believes is the truth and that is Al Shabaab as believed by many to be behind the terror attacks are indeed innocent and instead points fingers at CORD and Western powers for having a coordinated plan to frustrate and taint image of jubilee as a failure to make way for a forceful ascension to power by Raila.

“All these explosions, false alarms and misplaced travel advisories are nothing but FALSE FLAG CONCEPT where foreign forces use the OPPOSITION to engaged in random covert operations with minimal casualties designed to deceive the public that they are being carried out by other “entities” so as to create disharmony and ultimately war amongst communities. Their ultimate agenda is to portray the Inability of Jubilee Government in protecting its citizens then ask for “foreign assistance” to install the REJECTED PRODIGAL SON.” Stated the furious official indirectly pointing at CORD and Raila
He goes further to state, ” I personally don’t believe that ALSHABAAB would engage themselves in a less destructive explosions given a chance. SURPRISINGLY, CORD leadership which is known to make populist statements has not yet commented on the security situation in Kenya.”
As to further affirm his “truth ” the NACADA director goes ahead to lace his theory by saying, ” To further proof my theory, even after several blasts went off, NEITHER HAS AL-SHABAAB nor ITS AGENTS have come out claiming responsibility as is the practise in any state of war. Then there was the UNUSUAL SILENCE from CORD leadership in the whole issue of insecurity. Does CORD and its leadership know something that we don’t know ? This is so ABNORMAL STATE OF AFFAIRS, that am almost convinced, CORD is either involved or knows who are involved but choose to play politics then call foreign assistance to enable them achieve an OBJECTIVE we all know. I only pray that JUBILEE GOVERNMENT will not play to CORDs’ tune.”
Do you believe him that Al Shabaab is not responsible for the attack but this. A coordinated hands by West and CORD to frustrate Uhuru out of power to instill Raila into the big seat?

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