
After TUJUANE Here Comes A New Show TuKULANE

Tujuane has grown overtime to be one of the most watched local programs according to media consumer statistics.

A reality dating show has attracted likes and controversies as well. Started with Mirfat Musa whose episode appearance caused a major uproar due to setting her standards too high for a date.

The show hosted by ex BBA contestant Malonza has also seen celebrities come on board looking for love,in this case is rapper Moustapha who got himself a hookup through the show and the two have been carrying on.

Talking of celebrities reports reaching us have it that a pure celebrity version of Tujuane is coming to your screens soon.

As all these continues to take toll,one person has decided to create his own show,a dating show as well and is to be called TUKULANE.

Talking to Nairobi Exposed,the producer of the show which is due in the next two Weeks, a rapper and Kenyan entrepreneur based in Germany he tells us,”the show is simply a parody of Tujuane meaning all is scripted. This is going to be comedy at it’s best,ratchetness and a drama galore”


The name of the show for those who understands tends to insinuate actual action of intercourse but he is quick to refute,”there won’t be any s3x in the show but will bring out the reality on the grounds,men hunting for s3x and vise versa. Drama is an understatement so everybody just look forward into it.”

When the first episode finally gets released be sure for NE to give you a feature and extra scenes until then tuKulane it is.

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