
5 Reasons As To Why SabaSaba Rally Turnout Was LOW And Government's Games Into This

Raila homecoming attracted a massive crowd, said to be near the 1m mark. This numbers sent shock waves and panic gripped statehouse. Raila’s mobilization prowess was still phenomenal.

Planning another rally in same venue, expecting even a bigger number and announcing a storm, this definitely threw strategists into drawing table. The man had to be contained all means necessary before he could do something ‘stupid’

Fast forward to Saba Saba day,the crowd was disappointedly* low as compared to previous rallies. The question would therefore be why? While in essence it should have been the largest.

Back to original argument, there was coordinated efforts by the governments think tanks to minimize attendance to the event and how did they do that?

According to our sharp eyed author here at Nairobi Exposed, it all started by tainting the event as a possible chaos brewery. This was a smart theory created by the elites to portray CORD as war merchants. The idea was passed over to the media who strategically sold the idea to the public and there was no convincing otherwise given trust value society holds on them.

Having perfectly branded the event chaotic,this was a sure scare move that kept at bay many of whom would have attended.

Police Intimidation

About 15,000 police officers were called into the venue to provide ‘security’ now to many this would look like a good move by the police to provide security to its citizens but Nairobi Exposed hawk eyes seeing more into it.

The initial strategy was to minimize attendance by all means. By bringing this huge number, this was a well calculated move to intimidate and scare people from attending. Given the tradition and known conducts of the police who don’t have special conduct ethics when it comes to handling crowds other than clubs and lobbying teargas. No one was prepared and willing to face the no nonsense officers who don’t necessarily need any reason to strike long as they feel like.

Tension buildups

TNA’s merchant of death Moses Kuria, Waititu were used to create a false tensioned situation by alleging they had booked the Sabasaba venue same day as CORD, this would therefore mean a clashing of both parties. Even though the plans were thwarted, its clear they were casts in the script to cause chaos hence played into scaring peace loving Kenyans who would have attended the function.

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