ExposedInsider Details: Kamiti Jailbreak Exposes Filth In The Prison Servicenairobi-exposedNovember 26, 2021November 26, 2021 by nairobi-exposedNovember 26, 2021November 26, 20210696 Prison commanders are being forced to fleece prison enterprise funds to remit vast amounts of money to top officials, investigations by the Star reveal. The...
CorruptionGovt Paid Sh1bn For ‘Hot Air’ At The Prisons Department As PAC Decries Sluggish Investigations By EACCnairobi-exposedNovember 11, 2021November 11, 2021 by nairobi-exposedNovember 11, 2021November 11, 20210256 The Government lost a whopping Sh1 billion in fabricated pending bills during the 2017/18 financial year. The said bills were made in the name of...