
Why MPs Want DP Ruto To Resign Or Face Impeachment




The Constitution of Kenya 2010 provides for the establishment of a multi-party democratic State based on specific and enumerated foundational values.

Under the said Constitution the Deputy President does not undertake a separate and distinct nomination process in presidential elections. He/she is therefore the principal assistant of the President as an integral appendage of the presidency who must operate under restricted and limited terms and conditions within the general authority of the President. The Deputy President must loyally assist the President in promoting the unity of the nation and the occupier of the office must respect, uphold and safeguard the Constitution.

Above all, as a State officer, the Deputy President must be at the forefront in complying with the responsibilities of leadership as spelled out in Chapter Six of the Constitution on Leadership and Integrity.

The Deputy President William Ruto has declared war against established state institutions some of them which are creatures of the Constitution, just like his high office. The police (which includes DCI), and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions are constitutional bodies. The Deputy President is the second highest ranking member of the National Security Council which exercises supervisory control over national security organs and ipso facto he is well placed to deal with questions or challenges that may arise concerning the operations of security organs.

The Deputy President should therefore be the last person to complain against government institutions in funerals and roadside pronouncements with a loud megaphone. That can only undermine the authority and mandate of government institutions and may well constitute an offence against public order.

The Deputy President has questioned the capacity and mandate of the investigatory and prosecutorial organs of state. These persistent attacks have targeted numerous public officers including Fred Matiangi, Karanja Kibicho, George Kinoti and Noordin Haji who serve at the core of public service functions and operations.

He has claimed that the system has been mobilized “to bring him down” and persistently alleged that his life is in danger. In recent attacks he has not spared the Head of State either with a crude and sinister reference to the purported existence of a deep state. These attacks have now peaked with the creation of a team, directly loyal to William Ruto, within the ruling party, with the objective of insidiously eroding the prestige and honour of the President of the Republic and the Leader of his Party and to fight the government from within. This is unacceptable and ultimately renders the government dysfunctional and divided.


Last year the President and Raila Odinga embarked on and launched a major initiative to fight against corruption and to build bridges leading to the exalted destination of a united and prosperous Kenya. The Deputy President has questioned the formulation and implementation of these noble objectives. Despite national and international acclaim and approval of the Building Bridges Initiative the Deputy President has openly fought against it.

The narrative of peace, justice and reconciliation is total anathema to the Deputy President. The brazen attacks on the government and public institutions have been extended to the social media and targeted varied groups in society. In these circumstances the “centre cannot hold” unless appropriate action is taken against these egregious malfeasances against democracy, the rule of law, accountability and good governance.

The President has appealed to State officers and the nation as a whole that the country should not be subjected to early campaigns for the 2022 general elections. The Deputy President has bluntly disobeyed his principal, and in this regard, in our view, this constitutes gross misconduct and an act of insubordination.


The authority and respect of the government has been subverted by the integrity issues facing the Deputy President. In fact the question of the rectitude and forthrightness of the Deputy President has always clouded the character of the Deputy President right from the beginning as his public record has constantly been fraught with concerns and controversies about his ethical probity ranging from the grabbing of public and private land to participation in fraudulent deals. The list is endless but let us mention the following –

(a) The maize scandals

(b) Land grabbing including the KCAA land on which he has developed the Weston Hotel.

(c) Arror and Kimwerer dam projects. He sensationally claimed that no money was lost and that there was a legitimate expenditure of Kshs. 7 billion for the projects by the National Treasury.

(d) Operations of AMACO in questionable deals and contracts with Kenya Pipeline Corporation and other state institutions.

(e) Manipulation of planning, budgeting and procurement procedures and irregular securing of payments for his personal benefit and thereby acting in constant abuse of office contrary to the law of the land.

(f) History of fraud, acquisition of unexplained wealth and unjust enrichment.

(g) Arms deals and association with the underworld.


The Public Accounts Committee has openly accused Ruto of launching ghost projects. He purportedly commissioned the Lower Nzoia Irrigation Project without the involvement of parent ministries and claimed credit. He does not launch the projects as an appropriate and official undertaking. To the contrary he is driven by an overriding, selfish and extraneous objective of promoting his egoistic ambitions to attain the office of President in 2022 by whatever means possible.


The Deputy President is definitely guilty of public misconduct and grave malpractices and has not lived up to the oath of office that he subscribed before assuming office. He has not brought honour to the nation and dignity to the office of Deputy President and has failed to promote public confidence in the integrity of the high office. He had rather rule Kenya than serve the people. He has not offered selfless service based solely on the public interest. He is not honest and his personal interests are in constant conflict with his public duties.

THIS STATE OF AFFAIRS leaves William Ruto with no option but resign from the office and position of Deputy President. He must shape up or ship out. He needs time and undivided attention to pursue the only thing and ambition that makes sense and has meaning in his life – Dream and Campaign for the 2022 presidential elections.

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