
Threats To Abandon BBI And Kibra Rally Stopped After Funds Wired To Raila

A section of anti-Raila crusaders have hit back at threats by ODM members threatening to pull out of the handshake in a move that caught many by surprise.

On Saturday, MPs allied to the former premier had threatened to dump handshake accusing interior PS Kibicho of sabotaging the BBI secretariat.

“If Kibicho continues meddling in the work of the secretariat, continues dictating how we do the work, if he is indispensable we will be left with no choice but to abandon BBI. Kibicho is causing political constipation and we are not afraid of telling him that.” Said BBI secretariat co-chairman Junet Mohamed.

James Orengo had also accused statehouse cabals of hijacking the BBI process to sneak in their preferred presidential candidates to succeed Kenyatta.

With speculations renting the air of a Raila-Ruto coalition, pressure was further mounted with a planned rally in Kibra on Sunday which was pushed on an hashtag #KamukunjiDeclaration it was not clear what it was all about. At first it was expected that Raila would attend and Mount attacks on Uhuru but word went around in the morning that he won’t be attending. The rally was scheduled for 2pm.

Then another went round that the rally was canceled before ODM assured that it would take place. As bloggers allied to ODM and Junet hyped the event online in the morning, the fire suddenly went down before midday.

We’re being told all the razzmatazz was to assert pressure for release of funds. Apparently, PS Kibicho had closed the tap on funds making him a target of the attacks. BBI secretariat is fully funded by the ministry of interior and ODM has been at privilege of receiving funds. However, things changed in the past three months that the president was alarmed by the huge spendings by ODM faction from the BBI kitty hence shutting the doors and putting Kibicho in charge.

Word also has it that statehouse heeded to the pressure, funneled funds to ODM in the morning and that’s why the rally was canceled.

Jubilee online brigades didn’t hesitate to blow the cover and shot from top of the range.

Some of known ODM online loyalists didn’t hide their disgust and pointed their guns at Junet Mohamed and his team.

It is becoming apparent that there are divisions in Orange Democratic Movement, from the sentiments shared largely accusing Junet and his brigade of being behind the push to oust Kibicho and those focused on BBI. On Sunday morning while social media was awash with Kibra rally and speculations of opposing BBI in parliament, ODM’s and National Assembly Minority Leader John Mbadi was on the other hand giving affirmative actions taken to consolidate support to pass the bill.

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