
Scandal Hits ODM As Billionaire Richard Ngatia Infiltrates The Party’s Top Hierarchy

The top leadership at the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party seem to have been infiltrated by a wealthy individual with the sole aim of compromising the party’s nomination process that is planned to take place next month.

Impeccable sources at ODM party headquarters’, Orange House in Nairobi revealed to The Weekly Vision Online that ODM party Secretary General Edwin Sifuna is at the centre of the unfolding scandal. The whole mess was engineered by a billionaire businessman, currently the chairman of the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI), Mr Richard Ngatia who has declared interest to vie as governor of Nairobi City County on the Jubilee party ticket in the next elections.

Richard Ngatia

Huge amounts of money have already been splashed all over the city in the form of huge billboards bearing the image of Mr Edwin Sifuna who is vying as Senator of Nairobi, the billboards were allegedly paid for by Mr Ngatia. But what is at the heart of Ngatia’s machinations to infiltrate ODM which is already in a coalition with Ngatia’s Jubilee Alliance? 

The prime target of the whole machinations is legislator Tim Wanyonyi who declared interest to run as the governor of Nairobi County in the coming general elections on the ODM party ticket, he is the only one who has so far paid to contest on the ODM party ticket. 

Mr Sifuna erected the billboards across the county even before IEBC announced the official campaign date. The billboards were erected along the city’s major highways, the Central Business District (CBD) and virtually all residential estate and shopping centres within the county. 

The three key pawns in Mr Ngatia’s machination all hail from Bungoma County, they are also members of the ODM party, apart from Mr Fwamba-Fwamba who is from Bungoma although his political party of choice is still unknown. Mr Fwamba-Fwamba is said to be a political opportunist who in the recent past has been hanging around Deputy President William Ruto’s office.

Mr Ngatia is scheming to ensure that Tim Wanyonyi, the favorite contender for the seat is locked out on account of his ethnic background. Mr Ngatia is said to be spreading unfounded arguments to the effect that Nairobi county cannot afford to have a Governor and Senator from the same Bukusu community.

Others who have declared interest are Senator Johnson Sakaja of Amani National Congress (ANC), Former MP Margaret Wanjiru, Anne Kagure and Fwamba Fwamba Makokha. Emerging details indicate that Mr Ngatia is scheming to ensure that Tim Wanyonyi, the favourite contender for the governor’s seat in Nairobi is locked out on account of his ethnic background. Mr Ngatia is said to be spreading unfounded arguments to the effect that Nairobi county cannot afford to have a Governor and Senator from the same Bukusu community. 

So far, Mr Ngatia has invested heavily in financing the ODM Secretary-General in his efforts to contest for the seat, with costly campaign billboards proclaiming Sifuna’s candidature splashed all over the city, crowned with huge financial resources to oil his candidature. It must not be forgotten that Mr Ngatia’s eligibility to contest as governor is clouded due to his questionable university education and the degree he allegedly holds.

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