
MPs Have Failed Coronavirus Test According To A Report

Kenyans believe their MPs are failing the war against the spread of coronavirus in the country, a new study shows.

The opinion poll by Infotrak reveals most Kenyans are not happy with their MPs’ intervention and voted them last amongst key stakeholders at the forefront of dealing with Covid-19.

According to the poll released on Sunday, a paltry 21 per cent of Kenyans thinks the lawmakers are doing a good job with the rest holding a contrary opinion.

A total of 43 per cent of the 831 respondents who took part in the interview were categorical that their MPs are doing very poorly in helping the fight against Covid-19.

Another 31 per cent said the lawmakers’ performance is average, while four per cent of those polled said they don’t know.

The study was conducted between March 30 and April 2 through computer-assisted telephone interviews in 24 counties.

It had a margin of error of +-3.465 per cent and 95 per cent degree of confidence.

Most of the respondents expected MPs to do much more in protecting the people from the effects of the measures put in place to control coronavirus, which has affected daily earnings of most Kenyans.

“World over – even if you look at Ghana and Guinea – parliaments are doing a lot of work to ensure people are protected, to ensure food is taken to people’s houses,” Loyalty and special Project manager at Infotrak Walter Nyabuti said.

“Our Parliament has gone missing when people needed them most. The President has decided to lead on the front and it seems MPs are nowhere,” Nyabuti said.

The poll findings are a further indictment of Parliament, which has been on the spot after MPs dismissed calls to slash their salaries to the Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund. Instead, they called on corporates to donate to the Fund.

In ranking, the Ministry of Health topped the list of public stakeholders engaged in dealing with Covid-19, with 61 per cent saying they are doing excellent job in combating the disease.

The Office of the President was ranked second with 59 per cent of those polled agreeing that they are doing excellent job in ensuring the disease is contained and Kenyans are cushioned from its devastating effects.

Health workers were rated third at 58 per cent followed by the media industry which scored 52 per cent.

Judiciary and the National Police Service also received unfavorable ratings, with 41 per cent and 45 per cent of those polled terming their input in the war on coronavirus as very poor.

The poll also gave religious organisations (42 per cent), Interior ministry (37 per cent), government spokesperson (33 per cent), counties (30 per cent), private sector (31 per cent) approval ratings.

The poll also revealed that the majority of Kenyans (78 per cent) believe that most citizens are coronavirus positive but are unaware of their status.

As of Sunday, the country had confirmed 270 positive cases, 14 fatalities and a record 67 recoveries.

The Ministry of Health projects an increase in the cases after the mass testing.

Another 76 per cent of the respondents said they will not be able to make ends meet should the pandemic persist.

“From our findings, 82 per cent of Kenyans feel anxious and stressed about what is happening, 72 per cent are keen on information about Covid-19 and want to consume news and information on the virus,” Nyabuti said.

Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe appeared as the trusted source of information on Covid-19 with 87 per cent of the respondents saying they believe he is giving the right information, while 85 per cent trust the information from President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The Star.

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