
Luo Council Of Elders Wants Raila To Stop Obado Impeachment Motion

Luo elders have waded into Migori County’s political affairs, asking the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) to go slow in the matter of Governor Okoth Obado’s impeachment for the sake of peace.

The elders say the governor’s ouster will cause division in the county so Raila Odinga’s party should advise its members to withdraw the impeachment bid until the corruption case the governor is facing is concluded.

It is expected that the motion will be tabled in the house this week amid growing tension as ward representatives allege threats to their lives. The assembly is set to resume sittings on Tuesday. 

The Luo Council of Elders told the ODM party to instead seek an alternative way of removing the governor from office.

Chairman Nyandiko Ongadi warned that the impeachment motion is likely to ignite a fight between MCAs supporting it and those against it and then spread to the people.

“One of the roles of the elders is to ensure peace within the land. The council is concerned about the possibility of a fight in the assembly with ripple effects across the county if the motion is tabled,” Mr Ongadi said.

Threat claims

Speaker Boaz Okoth has already raised the red flag over possible violence during the session after alleging that “goons” in the company of ODM Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna attacked him and said the motion must sail through.

Mr Sifuna denied the allegations but said the party will not go back on its decision to have the governor removed from office.

Other MCAs in Migori have also sought police protection over similar threats.

Mr Obado and others including his children are accused of misappropriation of Sh73 million in county money. He is out on bond but has been denied access to office.

This is what ODM cites as the basis for its decision, with National Chairman John Mbadi rooting saying Deputy Governor Nelson Mahanga should take over in acting capacity for now.

Mr Ongadi said, “The governor is innocent until proven guilty. The decision ODM made was not well thought out. The party should have waited for the court’s verdict before making a decision.”

Security matter

Several factions have emerged ahead of Majority Leader Ken Ngoro’s tabling of the motion.

“We are still deliberating on the way forward and will reach an amicable solution when we resume sittings. In the meantime, we expect the governor to honorably step aside and allow his deputy to take over, failure of which we will crack the impeachment whip next week,” he said.

Mr Ngoro noted that all the MCAs were in their rightful minds so it would be a wishful thinking to coerce or intimidate them into submission.

“As much as there is political tension, I wish to dispel rumors that Migori ward reps are being coerced into submission. These are right-minded members who can deliberate on issues without any form of intimidation,” he told the Nation.

On Friday, top security officials in the county were holed up in a day-long crisis meeting following MCAs’ reports of threats.

A senior officer told  the Nation of a looming reshuffle in the security department, with officers directed to “expect their transfer letters at any time”.

“We are not sure exactly when [the changes will take place,” the official said.

MCAs’ obligation

Religious leaders have also weighed in on the matter, calling on MCAs to “exercise their oversight role with due diligence”.

Migori Inter-Faith Council Chairman, Bishop John Okinda, and Ranen Conference President Beryl Ngore said the church cannot sit back and watch the county tear apart, and asked MCAs to resolve the issue.

“MCAs should be allowed to [perform their role] without political interference. Nobody should influence their work,” Bishop Okinda said.

“As the clergy, we abhor corruption so anything that taints the integrity of a public servant should be looked into with utmost urgency. Assembly members must act to safeguard the interests of the electorate,” Pastor Ngore noted.

Jubilee Party has says it is backing Governor Obado’s impeachment and has threatened disciplinary measures against MCAs who fail to back the motion.

“There was a handshake so we have to speak in one voice. Any Jubilee member who fails to back the motion risks facing the party’s wrath,” he said.

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