
Leaked: Uhuru’s 2022 Disputed Lineup

The finer details on what transpired at State House, Mombasa when Uhuru Kenyatta held a consultative meeting with Raila Odinga, Musalia Mudavadi, Kalonzo Musyoka, Moses Wetang’ula and Gideon Moi can finally be revealed. Weekly Citizen has information, in a leaked power sharing deal which Uhuru says has an input of various state security apparatus, Raila is to be president, Mudavadi deputy president with Kalonzo speaker of national assembly. The speaker of the senate is being dangled to Mount Kenya East with Agriculture CS Peter Munya, a lawyer being in the lineup. Remember when Munya was defeated by Kiraitu Murungi in Meru governorship race, Uhuru named him in his cabinet. Currently, Munya is at war with Kiraitu and wants to face him 2022. In 2022 succession race, Kiraitu has thrown his weight behind Raila. 

Musalia Mudavadihttps://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-6590527285926439&output=html&h=280&adk=1783781125&adf=2348311362&pi=t.aa~a.3887741519~rp.4&w=384&fwrn=7&fwrnh=100&lmt=1629461470&rafmt=1&to=qs&pwprc=5400005224&psa=1&format=384×280&url=https%3A%2F%2Fweeklycitizen.co.ke%2Fleaked-uhurus-2022-disputed-line-up%2F&flash=0&fwr=0&pra=3&rpe=1&resp_fmts=3&sfro=1&wgl=1&fa=40&dt=1629461470266&bpp=4&bdt=743&idt=-M&shv=r20210812&mjsv=m202108190101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D24ec1cd2979d5065-2289ee2fadc90004%3AT%3D1629188864%3ART%3D1629188864%3AS%3DALNI_MYAB3kDnaln6eb4EH_vgT79LFzKTA&prev_fmts=0x0%2C414x345%2C414x345&nras=4&correlator=2568768726121&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=1887348099.1629461470&ga_sid=1629461470&ga_hid=465660496&ga_fc=0&u_tz=180&u_his=8&u_java=0&u_h=896&u_w=414&u_ah=896&u_aw=414&u_cd=32&u_nplug=0&u_nmime=0&adx=15&ady=2579&biw=414&bih=719&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=20211866%2C31062297&oid=3&pvsid=1463459168160701&pem=633&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fweeklycitizen.co.ke%2F&eae=0&fc=1920&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C414%2C0%2C414%2C896%2C414%2C719&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7Cs%7C&abl=NS&fu=128&bc=31&ifi=4&uci=a!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=0inbm4nOm1&p=https%3A//weeklycitizen.co.ke&dtd=74Word has it Uhuru and Raila are dangling the senate speaker position to Munya as one way of uniting the Meru community vote bloc in favour of Uhuru preferred line-up. The said positions are being shared as they exist in the current constitution. Sources reveal, once the Building Bridges Initiative hurdles are clearly navigated after what State House operatives involved in Uhuru succession term as High Court turbulences, the positions of prime minister and two deputies are to be shared. The High Court ruled BBI was illegal. Insiders say, even after the High Court ruling, those involved are pursuing other avenues to have BBI on course with parliamentary process being key. If positions of PM and his deputies are created, Kikuyu dominated Mount Kenya will land the PM slot with Gideon deputy PM to take charge of Kalenjin community.

Kalonzo MusyokaKwale governor Salim Mvurya has been earmarked for the slot of deputy PM also. Initially, deputy PM in Coast region favoured Governor Hassan Joho but of late he has been sidelined by Raila handlers after state agencies reports revealed, his popularity has drastically gone down and is also at loggerheads with almost all ODM and Jubilee Coast politicians. Joho of late rarely accompanies Raila in public functions and when Raila and One Kenya Alliance steam was hosted by Uhuru in Mombasa, Joho was missing in action but his ODM deputy leader counterpart Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya presence raised heated arguments. Some said Raila took Oparanya along because Raila nowadays reportedly forgets what has been said after only 15 minutes and so needs someone to act as his mental notes taker. It is why Raila ever carries his daughter Winnie along in all important meetings.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-6590527285926439&output=html&h=280&adk=1783781125&adf=369634679&pi=t.aa~a.3887788104~rp.1&w=384&fwrn=7&fwrnh=100&lmt=1629461470&rafmt=1&to=qs&pwprc=5400005224&psa=1&format=384×280&url=https%3A%2F%2Fweeklycitizen.co.ke%2Fleaked-uhurus-2022-disputed-line-up%2F&flash=0&fwr=0&pra=3&rpe=1&resp_fmts=3&sfro=1&wgl=1&fa=40&dt=1629461470266&bpp=4&bdt=744&idt=4&shv=r20210812&mjsv=m202108190101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D24ec1cd2979d5065-2289ee2fadc90004%3AT%3D1629188864%3ART%3D1629188864%3AS%3DALNI_MYAB3kDnaln6eb4EH_vgT79LFzKTA&prev_fmts=0x0%2C414x345%2C414x345%2C384x280&nras=5&correlator=2568768726121&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=1887348099.1629461470&ga_sid=1629461470&ga_hid=465660496&ga_fc=0&u_tz=180&u_his=8&u_java=0&u_h=896&u_w=414&u_ah=896&u_aw=414&u_cd=32&u_nplug=0&u_nmime=0&adx=15&ady=3843&biw=414&bih=719&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=20211866%2C31062297&oid=3&pvsid=1463459168160701&pem=633&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fweeklycitizen.co.ke%2F&eae=0&fc=1920&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C414%2C0%2C414%2C896%2C414%2C719&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7Cs%7C&abl=NS&fu=128&bc=31&ifi=5&uci=a!5&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=U9E5RP7VZp&p=https%3A//weeklycitizen.co.ke&dtd=81

Moses Wetang’ulaIn the lineup, Somali dominated North Eastern region has been given the slot of leader of majority in parliament just as it was during Jubilee first and part of second term in power. Adan Keynan is being earmarked for the plum position that at one time was held by William Ruto’s ally MP Aden Duale. According to a source well-versed with the political succession script line-up, powerful cabinet secretary Fred Matiang’i in the power deal will still occupy the Interior and Coordination of National Government docket with Kisii governor James Ongwae landing the plum slot of State House comptroller. Ever since the Bonchari by-election that almost cost Matiang’i his plum position, Raila and Ongwae have hosted Matiang’i and other Gusiiland leaders among them Kisii senator Sam Ongeri in what is termed larger Nyanza unity. 

Gideon MoiThe idea is to have Luo and Abagusi unite and vote in favour of Raila. During the Bonchari by-election, a move by Jubilee to have ODM candidate drop out of the by-election race in favour of the party saw ODM luminaries bay for Matiang’i blood. The powerful CS was even accused of using the provincial administration to campaign for the Jubilee man. Though it was widely reported in the media that the president urged Mudavadi, Kalonzo, Wetang’ula and Gideon to back Raila for presidency in 2022 general election, details are emerging on how the meeting turned stormy with the head of state excusing himself at least thrice to allow the five leaders agree on the 2022 succession plan. Uhuru had convened the meeting with Raila and OKA luminaries to urge the latter to support the ODM leader in the 2022 presidential contest. 

Peter MunyaAt the meeting, the president also showed the politicians an opinion poll which indicated Raila was by far the most popular among them. The head of state argued that Raila remains the most formidable politician to face off with William Ruto in his succession race. But sources revealed that apart from Gideon, who expressed his willingness to support Raila in 2022 presidential race, all the other leaders had their misgivings on the ODM leader’s candidature, which they openly expressed in the presence of the president. Kalonzo on his part defied Uhuru in the fashion he defied then president Daniel Moi when Moi tried to impose Uhuru on them in Kanu in 2002. At the meeting, tempers flared with the president excusing himself to allow Mudavadi, Kalonzo and Wetang’ula to cool down. 

Kiraitu MurungiThe tempers flared again when Kalonzo demanded to know why Raila had brought Kakamega governor Oparanya to the meeting. Weekly Citizen has information Raila is not comfortable in having Mudavadi his deputy as it is being pushed by Uhuru and Gideon and will prefer Oparanya. Raila fear being, history is likely to repeat itself if he becomes president where he will be at loggerheads with his deputy as it was with Moi regime of the late George Saitoti as vice president, Jomo Kenyatta era of the late Jaramongi Oginga Odinga as second in command and now Uhuru versus Ruto never ending wars. Those close to Raila say, he is out to frustrate Mudavadi using Oparanya and CS Eugene Wamalwa factors in Luhyaland politics and force Mudavadi to bolt out from the president’s 2022 power arrangement formula. In fact, Raila is of the opinion, deep state operatives based at State House and Office of the President want to use his popularity to groom various politicians who are unpopular in Uhuru succession.

Salim MvuryaReports indicate, Raila camp is of the opinion, if president, he be allowed to name his running mate rather than have one being imposed on him in the name of Mudavadi. Raila, to counter Ruto influence in Kikuyuland, prefers a running mate from the region and if the worst happens, Kalonzo or from Coastal region. He wants to be allowed to control presidency office with that of the PM in hands of Uhuru and Gideon to name preferred occupiers. But those opposed to Raila camp say, as per now, the office of PM does not exist hence a need for them to have a say who should be his running mate. At Mombasa State House talks, the born-again Christian Kalonzo furiously charged before the president that Raila had a sinister motive in bringing the deputy ODM leader to the meeting, arguing that Oparanya was not a party leader and more so was ably represented at the meeting by Raila, who is his boss.

Hassan JohoKalonzo charged that Raila was a dishonest leader and had brought Oparanya to the meeting as part of his plan to whittle down Mudavadi’s influence in Luhyaland. He reminded the ODM leader that in his Ukambani backyard, he was clandestinely propping up Makueni governor Kivutha Kibwana, his Kitui counterpart Charity Ngilu and Machakos’ Alfred Mutua to cut him to size but cautioned him he would not succeed in his mission. The Wiper leader further dismissed Raila as dishonest and petty character, noting that even in Bukusuland he had tried to prop up a former cabinet minister Mukhisa Kituyi and CS Wamalwa to cut Wetangula’s influence. Fear among OKA luminaries has been that Raila uses his political attack dog such as ODM secretary general Edwin Sifuna and Cotu boss Francis Atwoli to demean other now dissolved Nasa leaders.

Wycliffe OparanyaFear is Raila would mistreat them once he gets power, arguing that his act of stripping off Wetang’ula the senate minority leadership position and replacing him with Siaya senator James Orengo exposed his true colours as a dishonest leader. Raila did not take Kalonzo’s assertions kindly and though he did not comment, rage could be read in his reddening eyes. The sources added that Kalonzo made it clear that he, Mudavadi and Wetang’ula are not ready to support Raila given that he had betrayed them even when he met Uhuru behind their back resulting in the famous March 9 2018 handshake. The Wiper leader, to the consternation of the ODM leader, told the meeting that Raila betrayed them when he also refused to share the billions of shillings received by ODM from the exchequer for the coalition.

Adan KeynanRaila had from the 2017/18 financial years received Sh919.19 million out of the Sh2.7 billion allocated to Political Parties Fund. Kalonzo and his allies have dismissed Raila’s letter to the former Nasa partners expressing willingness to share the funds as coming too late in the day and simply meant to hoodwink them to support him in the 2022 presidential race. Raila had written to Wiper, ANC, Ford-Kenya and Isaac Ruto’s Chama Cha Mashinani ceding ground over the contested political parties funding in a last-minute effort to woo back his estranged partners in the opposition coalition. Uhuru, insiders revealed, wants Raila to pick Mudavadi as his running mate arguing that if the ODM leader picks a Kikuyu, it would have little impact since the region is aligning itself to Ruto. The president shivers that Ruto has made significant inroads in Mount Kenya and hence if Raila picks a running mate from the region, he will miss out on votes from other regions while getting an insignificant number in the mountain.

Fred MatiangiIn the meeting, Mudavadi, sources added, boldly maintained that he had supported Raila twice – 2007 and 2017 general elections – and is not ready to play second fiddle anymore. The cue was taken by Wetang’ula who warned that Raila had run out of ideas and fielding him in the presidential race will result in a big loss to Ruto. Wetang’ula told the meeting Raila is now too old and his poor health would cost them in the presidential race, warning that the Luhya community will vote for Ruto should they pick Raila as the flag-bearer. Uhuru sat silently as Kalonzo, Mudavadi and Wetang’ula tore into Raila’s candidacy, with only Gideon asserting the ODM leader is their best bet to beat Ruto. The three felt that Gideon was simply mouthing what he had been coached and directed to say.

James OngwaeAfter the meeting, the fallout of the Nasa principals was evident after Raila refused to acknowledge Kalonzo. As soon as the photo session was over, Raila fist-bumped Uhuru but skipped Kalonzo, then elbow-touched Wetang’ula and Gideon. It is said, Raila wants Wetangula on his side. The ODM leader then walked away, without exchanging pleasantries or greeting Mudavadi. Raila left with Oparanya in tow. Some Kenyans on seeing this asked “if this man is contemptuous of others when he is nobody, won’t he piss on people’s heads if he is president?” By the time their host, Uhuru, indicated that they could leave, Kalonzo had already clenched his hands together, warding off any attempt to touch hands. Uhuru also skipped Kalonzo as he bumped the others. It was also the second time the former Nasa principals were meeting in public since the coalition ceased to exist weeks ago. Insiders added Raila was also irked by Kalonzo’s decision to launch his 2022 presidential bid a day to the meeting. 

Sam OngeriThe Wiper leader reportedly urged the president to postpone the meeting that was scheduled for Monday to Tuesday to allow him to launch his presidential bid. The aim was to attend the meeting with equal weight as Raila, as a presidential aspirant. The Wiper leader’s launch was attended by Mudavadi. Gideon had sent Kanu executive director George Wainaina while Wetang’ula was represented by Kiminini MP Chris Wamalwa. Raila did not send a representative. Kalonzo launched the secretariat dubbed the ‘SKM Command Centre’ to act as the official communications centre for him a day to the meeting to send a warning to Raila that he would only negotiate with him as a presidential candidate. The launch of the command centre came barely two weeks after Kalonzo hired former prime minister’s key strategist in the last elections.

Eugene WamalwaKalonzo in July announced changes to his 2022 team roping in ex-Nasa chief executive officer Norman Magaya who worked closely with the ODM leader during the high stakes 2017 elections. Kalonzo also named Justine Kyambi as the new Wiper executive director taking over from Jared Siso. Siso, the longest serving Wiper executive director, is venturing into politics and will be contesting the Borabu parliamentary seat on a Wiper ticket during next year’s polls. OKA has shifted to Naivasha to work on a formula to tame Uhuru-Raila power deal. They are willing to embrace Ruto camp if pushed to the wall as it happened during the Moi succession. For now, the enemy is not Ruto but Raila the new Uhuru project in Kenya succession politics. Remember the Moi project in 2002 that was defeated by Narc in a political marriage of convenience. The question is, is Uhuru forcing OKA to team up with Ruto in his political calculation to please Gideon who cannot agree with Ruto?

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