
Inside Gladys Wanda’s Extortion Ring Using Raila Family Name

Restless Homa Bay woman representative Gladys Wanga is walking a tight high wire following her involvement in ‘dirty’ deals including extortion.

ODM functionaries have isolated Wanga who has lost grip of the Homa Bay party organ where she was single handedly thrashed during an election pitting former Kasipul MP Oyugi Magwanga and Governor Cyprian Awiti.

Her recent controversial activities in Homa Bay point to a woman in desperation and one out to indulge in any activity that can pull publicity stints to hoodwink those she has conned hundreds of million of shillings.

She’s reeling from intense pressure from politicians, both from Luo land and other parts of Kenya who demands that she refunds them their money because they’ve discovered she has no capacity to influence their nomination in ODM.

The politicians, civil servants and even contractors who have given her money to help them obtain favors from Raila Odinga are outraged.

Her unusually huge contributions at harambee meetings and frequent use of choppers during her campaigns has drawn suspicions since the legislator has no known history of employment or investments anywhere to sustain the kind of lifestyle she’s is displaying.

The loose tongued politician previously been close to Raila, thanks to her relationship to the late Senator Otieno Kajwang.

She quickly drifted away from the main center following her involvement in dubious ‘practices’.

She has also been receiving financial support from a senior member of Uhuru’s cabinet in exchange of favors allegedly to position herself as a key personality in assisting the government official succeed Raila as the Nyanza political kingpin when Raila fizzles away.

She has twice been blasted in her own functions by both Raila and Ida Odinga, wuth the party leader stating in her presence during the Homa Bay NGAAF tournament that all aspirants are bonafide members of ODM and must be accorded the respect they deserve.

Raila went ahead to emphasize that he had no preferred candidate for the gubernatorial seat, noting that free and fair nomination will be held.

In Ndhiwa, during a fundraising, Ida lectured Wanga for her involvement in violent activities in Homa Bay. She has gotten to a level where she would ferry goons and hecklers to cheer her even during functions organized by the party leader himself such as the meeting held at Ciala Resort in Kisumu where Raila particularly took issue with her behavior.

Wanga who was not known in 2013 secured the ODM nomination ticket through her relationship with the late Kajwang and has twice had a free ride to parliament thanks to her singing Raila name which Kajwang used to say is enough for one to become MP in Luoland.

Wanga in not only heading but also coordinating an extortionist ring that lures aspirants to various elective positions through ODM party to part with on pretence she will fix appointment with ODM leader and secure them party nominations tickets.

Her brother who’s also her campaign manager is known to be the one collecting the money from their victims.

It is not uncommon in ODM for aspirants to part with millions for the tickets with the wife of a big man the leading taker. She is now suddenly conveniently visible being the season to harvest.

For sometime now, Wanga has ensured that she positions herself near Raila wherever the ODM leader has a public function to appear like she is a close confidante.

Through her extortionist ring, she has obtained millions from elected and aspiring politicians and is currently living beyond her means.

Kenyans are still wondering why the EACC has not investigated alleged mismanagement of NGAAF and Homa Bay Women Sacco (Abedo Funds) that has left a trail of misery. She is also said to be the biggest beneficiary of wanton corruption at the Homa Bay county assembly.

Her accomplices in the alleged looting of the county assembly funds; Elizabeth Ayoo (Speaker), Jeff Ongoro (Vice Chairperson County Assembly Services Board), Lilian Ongono ( MCA Service Board), Joseph Okoto ( MCA Service Board) abs Richard Ogindo (MCA Service Board) appeared and recorded statements with EACC Nyanza South regional office between December 17 2021 on corruption related charges at the county assembly.

Right from MCAs, MPs, Woman Representatives, Senators, and even Governors who have expressed interests in retaining their seats are forced to part with money allegedly for her to arrange appointment with Raila and secure nomination certificates for a fee.

Some MCAs from Homa Bay County are following her under duress after intimidation from goons associated with her who coerce them to part with money and forcibly support her or risk losing their positions since she’s alleged to be in a position to influence the outcome of ODM primaries.

Wanga has been overheard dismissing Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo as no longer a force in Homa Bay politics saying she has fallen out with the Raila family.

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