
Inside Bomet County Assembly Political Circus

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission summoned the newly elected Bomet county assembly speaker Nelson Mutai and 13 MCAs for questioning over the chaos that erupted on Friday, August 14, during the chaotic election of the speaker where fisticuffs were the order of the day.

The commission will -cross-examine nine officials including the clerk to the assembly Isaac Kitur, three sergeants-at-arms and four aspirants who contested for the position of the speaker. The summonses from EACC indicated that they would record statements from Monday, August 24 to Wednesday next week at the commission’s offices. EACC regional manager Hassan Khalid in a letter dated August 17, addressed to the clerk of the assembly, asked those named to have been part of the fracas to be facilitated to appear individually for interrogation.

“The commission, pursuant to constitutional and statutory mandate as set out under Article 252 (1) (a) (d) of the constitution, section 11 of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2011, and section 4 (2), and 42 (10) of Leadership and Integrity Act 2012 is investigating an incident relating to the conduct of members of Bomet county assembly that occurred on August 14 this year at the county assembly chambers during the election of the speaker,” the summonses read.

The clerk has been asked to provide the commission with the personal file of Embomos ward MCA, Robert Serbai, Hansard report and video footage of the speaker’s election on the material date, including other information relating to the scuffle that ensued.

Apart from Serbai, those to appear include elected MCAs Wesley Kiprotich (Chepchabas) who was the acting speaker, Josphat Kirui (Ndarawetta), Maritim Andrew (Nyangores), Leonard Kirui (Siongiroi), Davies Kipkirui (Longisa), Alfred Langat (Singorwet), Robert Rono (Sigor) and Robert Serbai (Embomos). Others are nominated members Vincent Mutai, Hellen Chepkorir, Ngeny Leonard, Cecilia Mutai and Janet Turgut. The entire office of the sergeant-at-arms will also be interrogated.

The speaker romped home with a clean sweep after he garnered 27 of the 35 votes. Wakili Chirchir, a youthful contestant came a distant second with three votes. Edwin Sitiene of Etyet FM and Evelyne Chemutai got a paltry two and one vote respectively. The dynamics of Bomet politics saw a former senator Wilfred Lessan did not get a single vote.

It was earlier whispered that he had the blessings of the governor. No MCA identified with the former senator who political pundits said had stooped too low. A professor specialized in dental formula resetting, a former vocal senator and an envisaged about to be a member of the council of elders missing votes speaks volumes.

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