
Controversial MP Atandi Spent Millions To Get Endorsement From Raila

There have emerged details of how Alego Usonga MP Sam Atandi snubbed ODM leader Raila Odinga during a crucial meeting in Siaya county recently. The first term MP shocked ODM party delegates who had converged at the rural home of Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi at Sijimbo village in Sidindi ward on the eve of Christmas Day for an Azimio la Umoja meeting, which was addressed by ODM leader Raila Odinga among other leaders from Siaya county and which he skipped. 

Sam Atandi

The controversial legislator would however, storm out of the meeting in a huff as Raila’s chopper was airborne from neighbouring Budalang’i in Busia county. The legislator had protested after he was informed by his colleagues at the event that Raila was not coming to conduct any endorsements as Atandi had thought and believed.

Atandi who is facing an uphill task in defending his seat had hoped Raila would endorse an informal line-up which has Siaya senator James Orengo as the preferred ODM gubernatorial candidate as well as Oburu as as the incoming Siaya senator, and himself as the preferred Alego Usonga MP, following the exit of Governor Cornel Rasanga, who had earlier expressed interest in his seat.

Opiyo Wandayi

Atandi claimed to have spent at least Sh2 million on Oburu to persuade Rasanga to leave the race for Alego Usonga parliamentary seat on grounds that it was only Rasanga with the financial muscle to topple him from the seat as the other contestants are simply “beggars” who cannot put up a strong fight.

During the event in Ugunja on December 24 2021, Atandi thought Raila would now endorse his bid but to his utter surprise, he was told off by Oburu that Raila would not endorse anybody at the event as that would besmirch his image, and that of ODM party, forcing the MP to leave the meeting. “We could not continue sitting at the meeting when the main agenda we had thought of was not going to happen. We had to leave for other important functions as you know the following day was Christmas Day,” said a close aide of the MP.

James Orengo

It is on this ground that Oburu, at the meeting, stressed that he does not belong to any lineup and urged his colleagues to up their game in hunting for votes instead of waiting for Raila’s endorsement. “I don’t belong to any lineup. Let us be judged by what we stand for, and what we are capable of delivering. Senate is a place for the wise and age does not matter,” Oburu said.

However, after Raila’s endorsement of Oburu at a Christmas service at St Peter’s Nyamira ACK Church in Bondo, Atandi was once again on his case, questioning why the ODM leader only vouched for his brother and not the entire lineup. Raila had cited Oburu’s experience as among the reasons why he deserves to be elected Siaya senator. “Oburu should not be standing here begging you to vote for him. It is embarrassing! He has been a MP for many years. He has been a nominated MP as well as an EALA legislator. He has the necessary experience,” Raila said.

Oburu Odinga

But Atandi who is looking for means to recapture his seat by hook or crook even though his support has waned, is unlikely to put up a good fight in free, fair and credible ODM primaries read betrayal on the part of Raila. His allies say he is keen on winning his seat back by all means and is in the process of selling one of his properties in Nairobi at Sh30 million for campaign cash to “buy his constituents to re-elect him”. Atandi is said to be planning to have full control of the next county government which will have old guards at the top, and has vowed to be the incoming Siaya county government deep state supremo. The old guards he cites is in reference to Orengo and Oburu whom Atandi believes will likely win the governor and senate seats respectively.

Atandi is on record bragging how he will be the one in charge of the Siaya county government after August 9 general election due to his age status as Orengo and Oburu, who are aged 71 and 79 respectively, will likely be “senile”. Claims Atandi will be the de facto governor of Siaya has already sent shivers down the spine of staff at the Siaya county government, including contractors who do not see eye-to-eye with the MP. Atandi was recently overheard swearing that he will make sure everybody who worked in Rasanga’s administration either directly or indirectly through tender works, must be shown the door after August election.

This statement coupled with Orengo’s direct endorsement of Atandi last year has led to huge revolt against the MP and Orengo’s candidature in the area, with local leaders, businessmen and professionals from the region citing disrespect by the duo. “It’s good they have already shown us their colours. We want to tell them that the people of Alego deserve better. There is no way Atandi can brag that he wants to sell his assets at Sh30 million to buy us to secure his seat. This is taking us as very cheap people while disparaging us,” said Peter Ojenga, a businessman in Usonga.

Atandi a native of Yimbo clan in Bondo constituency has not had good relationship with the people of Alego Usonga who have accused him of looking down upon other senior leaders from the area, including Governor Rasanga, by purporting to be the lead negotiator for the constituency in terms of distribution of county slots ahead of the August poll.

The announcement by Siaya governor Rasanga that he has bowed out of the race for the Alego Usonga parliamentary seat did not come as a surprise to many keen observers. That is so since Rasanga’s candidature met headwinds after Orengo and Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo expressed reservations over the governor’s candidature for the seat currently held by Atandi. Orengo and Amollo declared that they will back Atandi, in the August 9 polls. The senator stated that Atandi was fit for the job, and he had proved that he is capable of representing the people of Alego Usonga.

Nicholas Kut

He added that the MP was keen on solving issues his constituents are facing, as well as pushing the Orange Democratic Movement agenda in parliament. Orengo said that Atandi has demonstrated good leadership qualities that enabled him to be appointed as a member of the budget committee. Amollo also dismissed Rasanga’s plans to contest for the parliamentary position, arguing that it is unfair to target the lower seat after being the boss at the county level. The latest developments now mean the Alego Usonga parliamentary race has taken a new turn following the withdrawal of Rasanga. The governor who had announced he will vie for the seat, pulled out and endorsed his former employee, Nicholas Kut, for the seat. Rasanga said he will henceforth be diverting his efforts in ensuring ODM leader Raila wins the presidency. “I will ensure that my party leader ascends to power by getting maximum votes in Siaya so that I become part of his government at the national level in any position that Raila will deem fit for me,” Rasanga said.

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