
Behind The Scenes Of Nyamira Takeover

Nyamira county 2022 gubernatorial race politics and thirst for handouts by MCAs made the assembly to resoundingly reject nominee for the position of the deputy governor.

Amos Nyaribo

Governor Amos Nyaribo three weeks ago had nominated the former West Mugirango MP James Gesami from the list of over 70 applicants to the position but he was rejected right from the assembly appointment committee to the floor of the House. The appointment committee, which vetted Gesami, was being led by speaker Mofat Teya. The speaker was also among the applicants for the position. And now, the governor wants to petition Uhuru Kenyatta to dissolve the assembly on grounds it has become impossible him to govern.

James Gesami

A move to dissolve the assembly has sent shivers along the spine of politicians but has the backing of powerful individuals in the government and residents who see the MCAs a stumbling block. A member of the appointment, who spoke on conditions of anonymity for fear of being victimised, confided to this writer that Teya made sure that Gesami’s nomination was rejected by influencing other members that the former West Mugirango MP had flopped in the vetting process.

Moffat Teya

The speaker termed the move as a revenge mission against Governor Nyaribo for failing to nominate him to the position. However, Weekly Citizen can
authoritatively report that Borabu MP Ben Momanyi, who has so far declared his interest for the seat of the governor come 2022 general elections, played a major role resulting to the rejection of Gesami. Before the death of the late governor John Nyagarama, had already declared his candidature for the coveted seat and at one time Nyagarama was said to be grooming Momanyi to take over when his term expires because he was not relating well with his then deputy politically.

Ben Momanyi

Nyaribo on the other hand while serving as the deputy governor, he had also declared his candidature for the seat after the retirement of Nyagarama without knowing that the former governor’s journey on earth could be cut short through the cruel hand of death. So when Nyagarama died, constitutionally Nyaribo took over as a governor, a situation which did not auger well with Momanyi. The Borabu MP was anticipating for the baton passed to him by Nyagarama, who was serving his second and final term. By the virtue of Nyaribo coming from the Bogirango clan where Momanyi comes from, definitely the MP knew that his chances of becoming a governor after Nyaribo could get a lot of resistance and challenges in 2022 general elections.

Joash Nyamoko

Immediately after the death of Nyagarama was pronounced, a source close to Momanyi said the MP panicked because the situation had caught him off guard and by surprise. The same source confided that the best thing to do was to start scheming on how to stop Nyaribo from being sworn in as governor but his moves were stopped because there was no legal basis which he was going to rely on. He also thought of using courts to stop his swearing in on grounds of corruption but the same scheme did not see the light of the day. After Momanyi failed to stop his swearing-in, he now resorted to using leaders to frustrate his moves of constituting his government and that is what is currently happening.

Vincent Kemosi

In his own wisdom and leadership skills, the Borabu MP managed to bring all elected leaders together through the assembly speaker, who is his proxy, where they have managed to moot plans on how topple the governor from power through an impeachment motion. The first move was to reject all the nominees by the governor to various positions in the county government and the other option is to use of courts to derail his moves of constituting his government. According to sources, Nyaribo did to accept persons whom elected leaders wanted him to nominate to his government thus creating bad blood between him and them and that is why they want him impeached. It is rumoured that after his impeachment the speaker will take over as he has no deputy governor.

Okong’o Omogeni

Reliable sources confided that Momanyi and other MPs Joash
Nyamoko (Borabu), Vincent Kemosi (West Mugirango) and Senator Okongo Omogeni are now using MCAs to wreck and bring down the leadership of Governor Nyaribo.Nominated MCA Fredrick George Mosiori and the speaker were tasked with the role of rallying all MCAs so that they can reject all names brought to the assembly for vetting. The rejection of Gesami came after the MCAs, prior to the debate, were taken to a Kericho hotel by Momanyi and other MPs where they are said to have been bribed with Sh150,000. The speaker, who chaired the meeting, made sure that Gesami’s name did not sail through by intimidating those with different opinion and taking the members in circles. Speaking to this writer immediately after the assembly rejected the name of Gesami, Momanyi said that was his first shot and told Governor Nyamira to prepare for more trouble before the next general elections. He said that the rejection of Gesami was a big political boost for his 2022 campaigns for the
gubernatorial seat.

frederick Mosiori

Without mincing words, Momanyi said that he had mobilised the MCAs to reject the name of Gesami because Governor Nyaribo had erred by
nominating the former West Mugirango MP whom he termed as an old guard thus denying the youths the opportunity. Momanyi also asked the youths to stand up and demand their rightful share and space in the county government in terms of appointments and other senior positions of leadership. Similar sentiments were also expressed by Nyamoko who said that the rejection of the nominee was a wake-up call to Governor Nyaribo that he should be a team player by consulting other leaders when making major decisions touching the county. Nyamoko predicted that if Nyaribo will not change his style of leadership, he is likely to be impeached before constituting his government fully. The MCAs also said they had rejected the name of Gesami because the governor had rejected the name of speaker Teya who was their choice for the position of the deputy governor.

Late John Nyagarama

When Governor Nyaribo was contacted for comment, he told the MPs and MCAs to give him ample time so that he can constitute his government in a bid to facilitate development in the county which he said was wanting. Nyaribo further warned that he was ready to write to Uhuru and urge him to dissolve the county assembly if the wrangles persist. He said the MCAs are not ready to cooperate with him in ensuring the devolved unit achieved the development people desired and therefore he could start collecting signatures from local voters in a bid to have the county government dissolved to pave way for new leadership.

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