
Nobody Had A Hand In Mutula Kilonzo’s Cause Of Death, Court Rules To Close The Matter

An inquest into the death of former Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo has ruled out foul play into his demise and called for a closure of the matter.

Mr Mutula was found dead in his bed at Kwa Kyelu Ranch on April 27, 2013 by his workers. A government report later revealed that the lawyer died of massive bleeding caused by high blood pressure.

But his family, led by his son and current Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Junior, doubted the theory and claimed cover up into his sudden death. The family especially claimed that there was interference with samples taken for toxicology analysis.

Senior Resident Magistrate B.B Bartoo said there was no evidence of cover up, especially because an independent pathologist, Dr Ian Galder from UK did not testify or send a report alluding to the alleged interference with the samples.

“It is indeed sad that we lost a dedicated servant to the republic in the manner as it may. I have evaluated all the evidence presented to court through this inquest and I am in agreement with the state that there is no evidence pointing to any person(s) having a hand in the cause of death of the late Hon Mtula Kilonzo,” the court ruled.

About 15 witnesses among them his employees and family, together with doctors and police officers who rushed into his expansive ranch, testified in the inquest.

Mr Justus Sila Mwololo, who ran a butchery at Makutano Kyumbi known as Wakwatyo Muthetheni Butchery also testified. He sold the meat, which the senator ate the previous night.

Senator Mutula Junior said he was called to the ranch after a cook Mulwa Mulee, told the ranch manager, Mr Shadrack Mwaniki that “chairman” appeared dead.

ODM leader Raila Odinga organised for the pathologist from the and preliminary reports indicated that he died of a substance that had caused much bleeding. At first the doctors could not agree on the cause of the death.

But in November 2013, Prof Galder allegedly sent Mr Mutula Junior a very disturbing email concerning samples addressed to two other doctors, who also conducted the exercise. The doctor allegedly said he will not sign his final report unless he received sealed samples.

The samples, Mr Junior said, were supposed to be sealed at Nairobi hospital. He suspected cover up into his death and also dismissed the report that suggested that the pellets were consumed with Pepsi because his father never consumed carbonated drinks.

The theory that he overdosed himself was a cover up, he said adding that Mr Mutula was under constant threats.

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