
Cleophas Malala Claims That A Secret Killer Squad Has Been Formed To Trail And ‘Assasinate’ Him

Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala now claims his life is in danger.

Malala, who has been in the eye of the storm in the recent past, has now written to the Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai and Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti seeking explanations and protection.

In the letter, Malala claims that a secret and specialized squad unit code named ‘Bravo Zulu Yankee’ has been formed to trail and possibly harm him.

In the letter that was marked ‘received’ by both DCI and IG, Malala goes ahead to name 5 officers and the vehicle they are using to trail him.

“As a result of those real and credible threats to harm, injure, eliminate or assassinate me, a Member of Parliament, I now request your office to take immediate action to enhance the security detail assigned to me including additional security provided immediately to my family and my residences in Kakamega and Nairobi,” Malala says in the letter.

Malala was recently arrested, detained overnight and released in a move that many saw as trying to influence the Senate’s vote on the controversial third generation revenue sharing formula.

Malala says the threats have not stopped despite the fact that he was released without any charges being preferred against him.null

He was arrested for allegedly contravening measures put in place by the Health Ministry to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Other Senators arrested then were Christopher Lang’at of Bomet and Steve Lelegwe of Samburu.

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