
Wife Exposes Mombasa Tycoon Alnoor Jiwan For Being Bisexual And Sexually Assaulting Their Young Daughter

They say love is the most beautiful feeling one can have but it can also be the worst to happen to you more so when it ends. Hell has no fury like a scorned woman.

Mombasa tycoon Shazmeer Alnoor Jiwan is learning it the hard way after his estranged wife decides to go public with her frustrations, hanging all the dirty linen for the world. So filthy are the allegations that one shudders.

Alnoor was in the news over a land lease suit in which KPA officials were accused of operating illegally in leasing the land to the tycoon’s firm.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) accused the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) of illegally leasing out 3.2 acres of public land.

According to EACC, the land worth more than Sh450 million was leased to a private developer to secure a bank loan.

The commission told the High Court that preliminary investigations had indicated that on December 19, 2002, senior KPA officers colluded with the director of John Grossert and Company Limited and Alnoor Habib Jiwan to facilitate the guaranteeing of a loan of Sh16,461,000 from Barclays Bank using the suit property, contrary to the terms and conditions of the lease.

KPA owns the land but has had to contend with a 99-year colonial lease granted to John Grossert and Company since 1950. Al Noor Habib Jiwan, which owns African Marine and General Engineering Company (AMGECO), acquired majority shareholding in John Grossert Company after independence thus inheriting the lease.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) claims Al Noor’s acquisition of John Grossert was fraudulent and wrote to KPA to revoke the lease for plot number MSA/block/XLVII/73.

Al Noor is also the CEO of Shipserv. He’s also the owner of the famous Sheheena Marina Apartments in Nyali, Mombasa.

Below is the wild confession posted by the wife on her social media pages.

My name is Fauzia Shazmeer Alnoor Jiwan. I have been married to Shazmeer Alnoor Jiwan since 2002. we have a thirteen year old daughter together. We were happily married couple till my daughter was 7-8 years old, until I saw the habits that I didn’t like from my husband since our marriage.

I noticed he was a closet bisexual (he loves both women and men but he had a preference of men). I tried to talk to him about this very habit and he “promised” to change but he didn’t. I tried everything possible but He relapsed of the same habit again. Shazmeer’s man was married with 3 children and these two men didn’t want us women to ever know each other or even meet.

He kept inviting his man to our home and they would get a room in the house and be together till morning. Family and friends kept asking me why we hadn’t gotten another child yet but I couldn’t explain. Shazmeer didn’t want me to visit his family he didn’t let me even visit my own family neither did he want them visiting me cause he was afraid of me complaining to both families (both my family and his) about his behaviour.

I was so ashamed and disappointed and didn’t know what to do. I decided to be sleeping in our daughter’s room. i was so unhappy in the marriage. It continued like that till I decided to talk to him again but this time, I asked him for divorce if he wanted me to keep his secret of being bisexual.

He promised to leave his habit and asked me not to divorce him. He said he would relocate us to Dubai where I would not see them. He said he wouldn’t leave the man cause of his reputation and that’s why he suggested that we would move to Dubai to avoid colliding. But he promised to sell all his companies so that we would settle down together in Dubai and we would depend on the interest.

I am so unlucky to marry a person like you who abuses my mum and her grave. In this world I have never seen a disrespectful person who abuses a grandmother to his daughter and a mother to his wife. Shazmeer am so disappointed.
You insulted Women, the one who gave birth to you, the one who raised you, the one who gave you a wife (my mother), your wife and daughter.
But one thing you shouldn’t forget is you can’t buy a mother even if you had the whole world.
Mother is supreme.

We finally moved to Dubai and Shazmeer kept showing me that he had “broken up” with the other man. He usually went back home after every 4 weeks. They were actually still together but he kept hiding it from me. Shazmeer kept changing from the man I know. He started denying me access to bank accounts, he started limiting me to certain things. I kept wondering if they were still together with his man.

I denied sleeping with him cause I discovered they were still together , and requested him that we would have another child through IVF, because I really wanted children. Whenever his time came to donate sperms, he kept dodging and when he decided to do the IVF, it became unsuccessful cause Shazmeer was behind it.( He bribed the Doctors cause he didn’t want to have another child with me).

Whenever I asked him if he was still with his man, he turned out to be violent. He kept beating me up whenever I could ask such questions and at the same time he would promise to make it up to me but this continued for a long time and it became a routine. Kept on coming to Dubai and leaving after every 4 weeks

In 2017, we traveled to Disney Land with our daughter and we were in the hotel. Shazmeer got drunk and came and slept between me and my daughter. He started touching our daughter. I heard our daughter crying and when I woke up I looked at him, he pretended to be sleeping. I asked our daughter if she was fine and she said she was fine. We left for Dubai and I reminded him to have IVF but he kept skipping cause he didn’t want to have other children with me and this made us to always argue and I continued to ask for Divorce.

In 2019, we traveled to Canada with our daughter. I heard him speak to his girlfriend and boyfriend. I asked him if he had gotten a girlfriend but of course, he denied. I asked him to give me a divorce if he had another woman cause I wouldn’t handle stress of dealing with both the girlfriend and the boyfriend but he declined. I didn’t want to spoil the holiday for my daughter so we left for the apartment. Shazmeer wanted to sleep with me in the morning but I declined cause he was violent. He promised to hit me with a machine he was using for gym. He then got drunk that night and came to sleep between me and my daughter and the same thing of him touching our daughter while we are sleeping happened but this time, I saw him. our daughter started crying and I screamed and we started arguing and he started threatening me how he will kill all my family members in Kenya if I spoke what happened .

He called his HR called Beatrice and told her to throw out my family members and within 2 hours my family was thrown out with all their properties. my family members didn’t know what was happening and they tried to reach me out asking me what was happening. I just told them to leave the house and that I would communicate when I had returned to Kenya.

He left for the bathroom and I got the courage to call one of my family in London told her, Shazmeer wanted to hit me but I didn’t say the actual thing of him touching our daughter. i asked her to help me call the police since I didn’t want Shazmeer to find me on phone calling the police. She called the police and the police came but I was so scared that I didn’t tell them the truth cause my family was threatened and my daughter was so ashamed and she was scared of what her friends would say about it and that is the time I remembered when we were in America and she cried at night. I asked her if the same thing had happened to her and she accepted but she said she was scared of telling me . I only told the police that he wanted to hit and abuse me.

This is how we started. Without Sheheena Marina Apartments, without anything. And all Shazmeer Alnoor Jiwan did is forget about us and worse deny me divorce. Am not posting this because I still love him. NO!!!!!

The police asked me how I wanted to be helped and I said I wanted to go to a family friend and that night my daughter and I went to my family friend’s house in Canada. he kept calling his daughter like a crazy person and I told my daughter not to pick the call so she wouldn’t be stressed out. The next morning, he called me and asked for forgiveness and even swore on his mother’s grave that he would never repeat that behaviour again. We were confused me and my daughter on what to do and again we didn’t want to embarrass him so we decided to go back. He apologised to us and touched his daughter’s head and swore on his mother’s grave not to do that mistake ever again.

He even promised to buy us a house in Canada and actually took us to view certain houses on which he would buy. There were 3 to 4 houses and we chose 1 house. He promised us that on the next trip he would sell all his companies and that we would shift us to Canada cause according to him he wanted his daughter to get the best education and life. This too he swore on his mother’s grave. This is the second time he was promising to sell his company and become a family man.

But it was all lies, he wanted us to come back to Dubai cause he didn’t want to open a case while in Canada and when we returned, i decided to go to Kenya to know if he still pushing out with the boyfriend but instead I discovered he had a girlfriend and still continued seeing his man. When I asked he got drunk and came to our bedroom and touched our daughter, again. We argued and decided to file a case here in Kenya. He strangled me and told me to go back to Dubai. He wanted us to quickly leave Kenya. My daughter’s school was on going in Dubai and I had no choice rather than coming back to Dubai.

This is when we discovered the truth when he confessed that he will do whatever he wants and that no one will ever help us. He was worse, he started forcing me to sign what I couldn’t understand. He couldn’t allow me go through the documents before I could sign. He told me we had no choice and he would “make me a dustbin” and if we tried anything, he would finish me and my daughter would end up being an “uneducated b*tch” just like me.

He became hostile and continued to threaten us that he was ‘Shazmeer Jiwan’ and that we couldn’t do anything. He swore to kill me if I tried anything against his will. I asked him for divorce if that was the case. He refused and said he would do anything to protect his reputation. He then told me to go to Dubai police or Canada and get my divorce. He then told me that he would kill me if I went to Kenya to file for divorce.

In December 2020, the same thing happened, he got drunk and came to touch my daughter again things worsened, we fought and he beat me so hard. Me and my daughter closed ourselves in the room. We called the police but my daughter requested me not to mention what exactly had happened on fear that she wasn’t ready to testify anything. I kept quiet on the real issue cause I didn’t want my daughter to feel inferior or commit suicide due to such a shame. I told my daughter that I would just file for divorce so that we would live a free life.

This me and Shazmeer Alnoor Jiwan.

I went Dubai police and filed for divorce case but it was unsuccessful because in the sharia law men are more protected and powerful than women. though the Dubai police put arrest warrant for him since he wasn’t in Dubai. When my daughter heard of the arrest warrant, she got relieved and decided that she would open up so that we could file a case and I encouraged my daughter to speak up for herself and I told her that she would get justice.

Shazmeer heard of the divorce case and He threatened me and that’s when he started withdrawing all his responsibilities. He told me if I ever step in Kenya he would prepare a case that he would put me in Mathari Hospital.

Infront of people he speaks so nicely that he is taking good care of us, that we stay at Burj Khalifa and that everything is going on well but we don’t have access card ,we can’t access anything, he doesn’t provide for his daughter anymore and totally does not care. He only put delivery food for his daughter, rent and school fees. He doesn’t provide medical fees and yet my daughter is sickly.

We discussed the issues of me having a shop of clothes. He promised to help me in setting it up but he didn’t. And instead he left for all the responsibilities.I sold my own jewellery to continue up my shop just incase of anything to support my daughter too. i have used up all my savings and now I don’t have anything.

I wrote all this to get justice, I have not been helped by the lawyers I got. Neither was I helped by the Dubai police. I was kept on being referred to Kenya Embassy since Shazmeer isn’t in Dubai but still I couldn’t get help. I need help to get divorce from Shazmeer and I need my daughter’s passport which he took with him to Kenya saying that we would run away and he has put a travel ban on me. All these he is doing, cause he doesn’t want us to travel. The only place he wants us to stay is Dubai cause here the Sharia Law works.
I need my identity, freedom for both me and my daughter .

Texts messages of the couples.

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