
What’s Mediheal Group of Hospitals Sugarcoating In Its Publicised Celebration of Successful Kidney Transplants?

“Hashtags touching on sensitive human lives ought not to be used for ordinary marketing as a sweet or flour milling firm would do. One expects @mediheal_group to back up their claims of kidney transplants with @KmpdcOfficial or @MOH_Kenya

This single sensitive tweet by Secretary General of Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek) ignited the investigative piece of this blog. Mediheal has been in the public limelight tremendous time for the wrong reasons and the publicised celebration brought to the table perceptions of the motives that could be behind it – sugarcoating. Being that such achievements are also always given a thumps up by Ministry of Health. But in this case, it wasn’t the case. 


Today we are excited to have achieved 150+ successful kidney transplant surgeries since the inauguration of Mediheal Group of Hospitals Kidney transplant Unit in 2019. A milestone worth celebrating in a mega way. We attribute this success first of all to God- The giver of life and good health Secondly to the public for trusting us and giving us an opportunity to serve them. Thirdly to our Chairman Hon. Dr. Mishra Swarup Ranjan for being a constant source of inspiration. Finally to our highly-qualified team of medical experts led by our Chief Transplant Surgeon Dr. Sanand A Bag, Dr. Murthy (Consultant Nephrologist), Dr. Vaijanath (Anaesthesiologist) Renal Team and the entire Mediheal Group of Hospitals Fraternity.” Reads the tweet made by Mediheal Hospital.

Like in 2019, The Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) marked 10 years of Kidney Transplantation Program that  saw the facility successfully carry out 200 kidney transplants. The Program dubbed Interlife  was ran in partnership with Norvatis. The milestone was confirmed and certified by Ministry of Health and also published in the government official website. Despite Mediheal being a private hospital, its still under the control of the Ministry of Health guidelines in one way or the other and needs certification of MoH to operate or to confirm such claims like Mediheal just did.

With Marketing strategy knowledge I’ve acquired, this is none other than PR- Publicity stunt, unverified claims with an aim to lure unsuspecting clients, sponsors-investors when the Asians controlling the Hospital continue their raw deals behind the scenes with the help of the authorities in cover up. ​

Like stated earlier, Mediheal group of hospitals has been under public limelight for the wrong reasons- organ transplant trafficking allegations which have sparked mixed reactions in Kenya and allover the world. Allegations which obviously have been disowned by the hospital and the owner.

Mediheal group of hospitals is owned by Kesse MP Mishra. The lucrative business of Organ trafficking by these asians isn’t a mere allegation as sometimes back in the Kenyan history, two Indian quack doctors Atul Arora and Shyam Singh were once deported back to India after they were caught up red-handed colluding in the business.

Atul Arora and Shyam Singh were charged with two counts of illegal medical practice and being in Kenya illegally. They were arraigned at a Nairobi court before they were taken to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for the flight to Delhi. Atul Arora and Shyam Singh were arrested in Nairobi’s Parklands area following a two-year investigation into an illicit scheme that was said to be running with the backing of senior Health sector officials.

The investigations led to a sting operation by a joint taskforce of the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board (KMPDB) and Directorate of Criminal Investigations, leading to their arrest. The two had recruited more than 100 Kenyans in two years, they known to have operations in many countries, including Uganda, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates and Pakistan.

They were known to pay local agents about Sh500,000 for every patient sent to India. An agent could however, reap bigger profits if their “client” requires kidney or bone marrow transplant and if they stayed longer in hospital during treatment. The kickback due to the referring agent is included in medical bills accruing abroad, leaving patients with a huge financial burden.

At the time of their arrest at Nairobi’s Cloud and Suit Hotel’s ninth floor room, they had recruited 14 agents and were to interview 24 others to participate in the scheme. The duo were charged with promoting medical services for patients’ referrals to India without a work permit. The scheme mainly targeted surgical patients suffering from non-communicable diseases including; cancer, liver and kidney-related diseases, heart diseases, as well as those in need of knee and hip replacement, dentistry, cosmetic and plastic surgery.

The two claimed to have links with 40 facilities in India including; Apollo, Medanta, Max, Fortis, Artemis, Kailash, Japyee, BLK, Asian, Metro, Moolchand and IBS hospitals. Kibera magistrate J. Kamau imposed a Sh20,000 fine on each of the accused or a two month jail sentence coupled with immediate deportation to their home country.

In one of many emails seen by this blog especially from whistleblowers;​

“Hello bel

You’re doing good things with your platt form I’m really impressed, I’ve been following you for sometime now and I know you’ll raise this matter. I wanted to bring to your attention about Mediheal’s Vice President- International Patient Service Mr Gokul Prem Kumar(he’s the one in the photo I’ve sent) , what is important is the controversial story behind this guy which has been a topic many people say in low tones here in the hospital. In 2016, this guy was being investigated by Interpol which many people say he’s under their watch for having been involved in illegal kidney trade and was marked as being in body organs trafficking gang. He was working for a scandalous hospital in India called Continental Hospital as a manager when this scandal came out. These are things that didn’t get to the media I think they silenced the story but other doctors from India who’ve come to Kenya ndio walitoboa story. What is shocking is by then he was working on international marketing for the hospital and had a large network, we don’t know if that’s what attracted the boss Mishra to pick him or what he saw in him, many have wondered if he ever did due diligence before hiring him after that grave scandal but he got hired by Mediheal. By the way the wife Dr. Pallavi Mishra wasn’t happy you know she’s the boss here yeye ndio wa pesa mishra is just there but anyway she wasn’t happy with the politics and businesses going hand in hand that is why mishra was made to leave the health parliament committee, he stopped aggressive politics za tanga tanga and went completely silent. They ate Kemsa money by the way through Medlife which they own with Mediheal. There’s so much more to Gokul that I’ll write and send to you about later but for now ask Matiang’i and immigration if they’re aware of him and if they fully vetted and gave him clean bill of health. Since all the allegations came out has there been any investdine apart from Mishra denying in political rallies? Remember in sometimes back opened a kidney and liver transplant centre at Mediheal Hospital and Fertility Centre in Eldoret making it the first hospital to perform Lap Donor Nephrectomy in East Africa for Kidney Transplant. Whole of the board of management are all Asians that should also tell you a lot about their believes.”

According to the MP he believes social media attacks are aimed at blackmailing him to offer some money to bloggers who publish some of the sideshows.

“I will resign if I see social media attacks again. I don’t care! They (critics) believe that I will give them money when they insult me on social media,” Mishra said in Kesses after issuing bursary cheques worth Sh75 million.

He said his critics have been accusing the hospital of fraudulently sourcing and smuggling kidneys from Nigeria, Malawi, and India. “If you (political detractors) don’t want Mishra, tell me in a nice Kalenjin word and I will respond momii ng’ala, otestai (there is no problem, you can continue my work),” the lawmaker said.

He said he does not need to be a legislator to spearhead projects in his Kesses Constituency and urged critics to come out and declare their interest in his seat instead of using bloggers.

Mishra said the social media barrage will not stop the hospital from offering high-quality health care in Kenya. “You think I can’t help people without an elective position? I need no MP seat to assist people. Those fighting me want to kill medical technology and medicine in this country,” a visibly angry Mishra told the critics.

Such outrageous remarks to distance himself from the accusations was meant to threaten the whistleblowers. In Kenya, with his Cabalistic power he’ll never be found guilty in the Justice system as double standards apply.

At some point The High Court restrained blogger Robert Alai from publishing any defamatory words against Mediheal Hospital and Fertility Centre.

MP Mishra argued that the contents of the said tweets by Alai by their ordinary meaning and innuendo were understood to mean that he, together with the hospital, are engaged in the illicit businesses of smuggling and trafficking in human organs,  economic exploitation of vulnerable patients, poor service, being led by persons with questionable citizenship papers, exploitation of employees and lacking integrity.

Through lawyer Guandura Thuita, the hospital said the allegations that it is involved in human trafficking of body organs affected it in that its reputation was sabotaged before potential patients, investors, partners, financiers, and donors leading to economic loss.

In Another case​;

With abdominal pains, Joseph Okoth (not his real names for confidentiality) walked into Mediheal Nakuru Branch for tests and hopefully treatment. Unknown to him, he was walking straight into a disaster. Seen by a Dr. Aemen Asher and Dr. Vinayak Ingalagi both of whom couldn’t speak straight Swahili as they’re Asian medical imports, Joseph walked into his nightmare.

Sonography results seen by Kenya Insights and verified by complying medical experts shows that Okoth was in good health, contrary and to his fears, all his organs were in perfect health.

However, his problems would start at this point.

“Expose the rot in Mediheal Hospital Nakuru.
Recently I was lured in to a misdiagnosis of kidney failure and booked for dialysis which I insisted to be discharged agains medical advice. Which later in checking with two other hospitals in Nakuru all my internal organs were working properly.” Joseph opens up to the Kenya Insights writer in an email. Joseph is a senior lecturer at a public university. He tells me he’s never fell ill previously so his medical cover has remained untouched and here’s where the scandal jumps in. Following successful tests at Mediheal that turned out negative on his organs having any defaults, the doctors came up with a rather unprofessional and clearly dubious recommendation. Joseph was to be put on dialysis. This was done verbally and not put on record. In what seems like a norm at the hospital, Joseph writes, “Dr. Aemen went personally to their nhif desk to check in the system before they begun treatment.” On his NHIF account that has not been utilized, he had Sh1M and it’s here where he suspects the monkey business started playing. He claims he was put through unnecessary tests. “I only had my lab results, I refused to go through dialysis. The Indian doctors are cunning because they recommend dialysis and CT scan verbally. That’s what I found unprocedural and insisted to be discharged.” He writes partly. He continues, “The immediate recommendation from the doctor was to check my insurance cover. Interestingly I had never used it coz I’ve never fell ill. So once he noticed I have one million NHIF insurance cover he immediately recommended admission. Which I complied, even after the scan showed no faulty organ. It was after he touched my belly and said I required urgent appendix surgery ‘from how he felt my tummy’ , once in the private wing admitted he comes an hour later with very bad news that the lab results showed my kidneys are seriously damaged and I require urgent CT scan and dialysis. This was verbal. So I asked him to walk out and give us , my brothers and my wife to consult. mark you, all these news are broken before all of us. No patient privacy. I felt like am being conned. You know how the city street conmen in Nairobi take you mbio mbio with threats so that you comply. Immediately I told my people to discharge me so that we can seek a different opinion.”

From the official medical results of mediheal  seen, didn’t show that Joseph’s organs had defaults and all that he was told by the doctor was all but verbal which is suspect.

It even goes further to raise more eyebrows according to the statement by Joseph, “Vinayak was the one in the consulting room, another Indian guy in the lab did the tests and Vinayak sent me to Aemen whom the lab tech gave results. Aemen recommended admission after checking my insurance cover, then once in the hospital bed Aemen and Vinayak comes says my kidneys are bad I needed to be dialysed and scanned.” Joseph after seeking alternatives and refusing to undergo the verbally prescribed dialysis, had this to say, “I went to Nakuru War Memorial Hospital Nakuru where they confirmed my organs are working perfectly. However the lab results indicated I needed some antibiotics. I was only expecting to be managed with the pain on my appendix when I went to Mediheal.”

He was eventually found with high chemical concentration that was to be cleaned at the War memorial to lower toxicity in the blood, this was from Mediheal medication. However, there’s the issue of costs, “The difference in charges is glaring. 22 hours I paid Sh70,000 to Mediheal Hospital Nakuru but paid Sh89,000 at War Memorial Hospital Nakuru in Five Days. A clear indication that Mediheal full of foreign quack doctors.” Nairobi exposed can confirm these claims based on the medical reports/receipts that were availed to us.

He further made claims, “Africans are just nurses receptionist, cleaners, sonographer. The rest specialized exercises like consultant doctors and lab tech are Indians. Even when they consult Infront of a patient they speak in their mother tongue.”

The same mediheal has been involved in TSC medical insurance cover scheme scandal orchestrated by one Cartel Mr. Jayesh through Teachers Minet medical insurance cover scheme alongside other ho​spitals owned by Jayesh.

Both being Deputy President of Kenya William Ruto’s close allies, DP’s interests are taken care of through Mr. Jayesh of Bliss and Nairobi West Hospitals, and Mishra Kiprop of Mediheal hospitals who is the Kesses MP. Remember Mr Jayesh is the founder and chairman of Bliss – key player in the Clinix Healthcare scandal, where some Sh96 million was lost through a dubious medical scheme for civil servants and members of the disciplined forces and where he was the chairman of Clinix at the time of the scandal.

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