

In 2019, an article doing the rounds on social media told the tantalizingly seedy story of how DCI officers investigating a high profile murder had tracked the alleged hitmen having had cozy lunches, drinks and dinners with the daughter of a former Moi-Era minister.

Within the social media groups of lawyers, another article shared widely therein stated that this woman was none other than Maryanne Nyokabi Kamotho, whose father was a much derided and hated figure, for his hawkish and unapologetic support of the brutal KANU regime.

Before mainstream media could write this story as part of its coverage of the murder, it was slapped with a gag order by the courts, effectively ending what would likely have been the exposé of the decade.

It remains a mystery as to how Nyokabi Kamotho managed to extricate herself from such serious accusations, though it is well-known that she wields incredible power from within her social circles that is augmented by a genetically encoded greed and thuggery that is impossible to acquire in life, rather you can only be born with.

Nyokabi Kamotho: A true cold-blooded Jezebel

It was from the contacts that she had made at DCI during this process of extricating herself from association with a murder that she got the idea for an extrajudicial way to resolve a long-running civil dispute over land that is currently being handled at the Environment and Land Division of the High Court by its presiding Judge, the Hon. Justice Samson Okongo.

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Nyokabi is frustrated and wildly cagey, in this civil suit she (through one of her shadowy companies) is the respondent in a dispute with a Thika family over the ownership of land, a matter that has metamorphosed slowly to what it is now, over a period of close to 13 years.

The civil matter is now almost at the stage where it will be heard and she is terrified that her own counter claim to this ownership dispute does not meet the intellectual threshold for a High Court, and that she may inadvertently perjure herself.

In 2013, despite the existence of a court order barring all transactions on the disputed property, Nyokabi Kamotho and her late father JJ Kamotho sold the land to a 3rd party, in order to raise money for Kamotho’s Muranga Senate seat run (and to which he flopped spectacularly) but also to buttress his diminishing financial resources in the face of failing health.

When the 3rd party buyer realized that he had been duped, he sped to court asking for an immediate refund of his money (he had paid a 50% deposit).

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Already having spent the money, the Kamotho’s did the next best thing to stall this buyer and his insistence for a refund, where in cahoots with DCI, they concocted a criminal proceedings at Thika Law courts as complainants, then manufactured evidence and procured the services of members of (the) dreaded Lands cartel, who for a price agreed become false witnesses and to alter records at Ardhi House on their behalf.

With the last of the police prosecutors still around in Thika at that time, it was easy to maneuver the criminal prosecution, where 2 family members were arrested and charged with obtaining registration of the property.

Remember here that there are now 2 titles for the same property and the Thika family has asked the Environment and Lands Court to cancel the one held by Nyokabi Kamotho.

However, when ODPP switched from using Police prosecutors and instead hired and deployed young, educated State counsels in all criminal courts around the country, things changed dramatically.

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The successive State counsels who handled this criminal file found the evidence adduced and the supposed witnesses in the criminal prosecution to lack credibility and to themselves be extremely suspect.

Frustrated: DPP wrote to DCI about this case

No State counsel worth his/her salt wanted to touch the file with a 10-foot pole.

After 5 and a half years of never having presented a single witness and the criminal matter never taking off, both the court and ODPP had had enough of these shenanigans and terminated the proceedings.

Almost 2 years later, in November 2020, Nyokabi Kamotho has managed to get the matter revived by DCI through Thika DCIO and a court appearance for plea taking by the same family members, over the same land matter, is imminent.

Case terminated: State counsel requested termination of case, now revived

Where did Nyokabi Kamotho get the influence to push this highly dubious 2nd bite-of-the-cherry through the supposedly reformed and people-centred DCI and DPP?

She turned to her father’s old friend and former Member of Parliament for Kiharu, former Chairman of the Nairobi Stock exchange, Ignatius Ngenye Kariuki.

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Many may remember him from 10 years ago when his stock brokerage firm, Ngenye Kariuki and Company in 2010, was placed under statutory management because of negative working capital, weak financial base, overdrawing clients’ bank accounts, maintaining a bank overdraft facility above stipulated regulatory requirements, weak corporate governance and internal control.

Prior to 2015, when after a prolonged court battle the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) amended the law, investors were previously only entitled to a maximum of KES50,000 in compensation when a stock brokerage collapsed. They would then wait for the firm to be liquidated for any subsequent payout.

Ngenye Kariuki: Has brought his bad manners into other people’s civil land dispute

You see, once you get addicted to other people’s things, it’s virtually impossible to resist the scent, much like a shark senses a single drop of blood in water, 60kms away.

Ngenye Kariuki had been put under statutory management February 2010 over a Sh227 million debt, most of which was owed to investors.

This is the man who has now thrust himself in the middle of a civil land dispute in Thika and used his clout to procure a criminal prosecution, in a bid to aid his erstwhile friends’ daughter, who has spun herself into a tight legal corner.

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” (Sir Walter Scott, 1808).

Here is the kicker though, hobnobbing with people believed to have committed murder is not the extent of Nyokabi Kamotho’s dalliance with criminality, not by a long shot.

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In 2016, DCI Serious crimes unit opened a criminal investigation into Nyokabi and her thuggish associates after they sent death threats to members of this family in OB No. CID/C/GEN/COMP/6/11/2016/23 which was reported on 11th January 2016

One of the threats sent and investigated by DCI

The matter was handed to the now famous cyber-sleuth Nicholas Ole Sena at DCI Headquarters for investigation. Data mined from the mobile device used to send the threats led the DCI to Nyokabi and her associates who were then brought to Thika DCI offices to be interviewed.

After that….nothing! The investigation was silently interfered with and torpedoed and the investigating officer was at a loss to explain what had happened.

Only a person that has just immigrated into Kenya would be in any doubt as to what happened to that investigation.

In 2018, while trying desperately to meet the (relatively) new DCI Director George Kinoti, he would listen to them explain to him that his officers were manufacturing and concocting evidence for this omnipresent criminal trial.

DCI invited the accused duo to see the EA to Kinoti

These harassed people were directed instead to see the Executive Advisor to DCI by the name Mohammed Roba.

Roba, after listening to them and asking them to return the next day with formal complaint letters, and when they did, he simply picked up his phone and called Thika DCIO to advise him of the contents of the complaints.

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Roba then pronounced himself on the matter, instructing the complainants to go back to Thika and explain their complaint to the Thika DCIO. BOOM!

In essence, Roba told them to go and explain themselves to the person who was responsible for instructing his officers to concoct evidence to strengthen criminal charges against them.

Advisor to Kinoti, Mohamed Roba: Sent accused in an exercise in futility

Yet we wonder why witness protection continues to be myth in Kenya, when a whistleblower is asked to give evidence to a committee chaired by those he is blowing the whistle against.

So you may be wondering, why would Nyokabi Kamotho gang up with former MP Ngenye Kariuki and elements within the DCI and ODPP?

Pure and simple, it is an assassination plot.

Nyokabi in her devious mind has found a way to use the 2nd wave of National COVID-19 infections to her advantage and by default eliminate the two people against whom she has an un-winable civil dispute aginst at the High Court.

Arrested and detained because you have a civil Land dispute with influential people

By last week, MoH statistics showed a clear spike of COVID-19 infections in police cells and prisons, with Thika police station and its prison greatly affected.

Her initial plan was to have the duo arrested and held for several days in police cells before being produced in court. In this way and within the enclosed spaces of police cells, it would have been possible for them to get a default COVID-19 infection.

For one of these people, a 70-plus year-old woman, the prognosis from such an infection would be dire.

Thankfully, the High Court criminal Division saw through this scheme clearly and Justice Luka Kimaru granted the two accused anticipatory bond while directing them to take plea in Thika court on 4th November 2020.

Hon. Justice Luka Kimaru granted anticipatory bond

There is definitely clear and present danger in this matter as evidenced by various attempts by Nyokabi to tamper with this criminal court file, amending hearing dates in order to compel the trial judge to order the forfeiture of bond and issuance of an arrest warrant.

Indeed, the accused duo had to petition the Judicial Service Commission to investigate the interference with the file. The then Chief Magistrate and court executive officer both took this complaint seriously enough to make some radical changes that saw an end to file tampering.

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Assassination, done cleanly and methodically via COVID-19 infection, and aided by both DCI and ODPP allows for the elimination of those considered to be impediments to powerful people’s primitive acquisition of wealth.

Complaint to JSC about tampering with criminal file by Nyokabi

Just last week, the Environment and Lands Court barred notorious former Gatundu North MP Patrick Muiruri from accessing a piece of land that he had already sold to one party but wanted to repossess and sell to a 3rd party.

Unfortunately, the sins of a parent are almost always punished on their offspring as happened in the tragic shooting of Muiruri’s son, undoubtedly God’s way of reminding him that he had not forgotten the ills that he had visited upon others.

Ex Gatundu North MP denied access to land in Gatundu

Nyokabi Kamotho is clearly on this trajectory… and we shudder to imagine what God plans for her and her progeny.

Her own fathers’ narrow escape during the US Embassy bombing in 1998 was also a message to him, to quit screwing over other people, even if he had the clout to do so.

The biggest disappointment in all of this though, is that of ODPP, where after all the bravado, razzmatazz, the “kamata kamata Friday” and lofty statements about the fair administration of justice, have since reverted to default settings.

DCI and DPP offices have back to regular programming

ODPP Market-place is now open for trade in justice.

Among lawyers, it is an open and casually spoken-about secret that anyone with a contact inside ODPP, and especially the Division that handles Land prosecutions, for an agreed price, deals to speed up or slow down criminal prosecutions, hide incriminating evidence, turn criminals into complainants are the order of the day.

A time is coming when these fuckers will get their comeuppance!


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