
Instances Where Fraud Politicians Involved Their Children In Stealing Public Funds

When prominent politicians are caught-up in scandals especially those of misappropriation of funds and abuse of office, some of their children are also caught up in the cases in one way or another.

From Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu to Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru, here are the politician’s children that were caught up in their parent’s scandals;

1.) Waititu’s daughter

In May 2019, the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Noordin Haji ordered for the arrest of Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu, his wife Susan Ndung’u and others. They were charged in relation to abuse of office involving a tender worth Sh588 million and fraudulent acquisition of Sh221 million public property. 

Part of their probe involved Saika Two Estate Developers Limited, a property allegedly owned by Waititu and his daughter Monica Njeri Ndung’u.

Though Njeri was named during the probe, Haji exonerated her indicating that she had no case to answer.

“We find that she was a sleeping director and not active in the affairs of the company. Her explanation is reasonable,” Haji stated.

Deputy William Ruto at the wedding of the daughter of former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu in July 2019

Deputy William Ruto at the wedding of the daughter of former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu in July 2019

2.) Obado’s children

On Thursday, August 27, Migori Governor Okoth Obado and his four children appeared before the Milimani Law Courts after the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) ordered for his arrest and prosecution for misappropriation of public funds.

They are accused of fleecing the Migori County Government of Sh73.4 million. 

“The investigations were in respect of Sh73.4 million being sums indirectly received by the Governor through his children who received multiple payments from companies trading with Migori County Government between 2013/2014 Financial Year and 2016/2017,” the DPP stated.

Migori governor Okoth Obado's family in court on Thursday, August 27.

Migori governor Okoth Obado’s family in court on Thursday, August 27.

3.) Waiguru’s son

In September 2015 Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru, who was the Devolution CS at that time, was asked to record a statement over the disappearance of Ksh 791 million from the ministry.

Waiguru’s docket was accused of buying items and overpricing them.

At the time Waiguru’s son, Ian Waiguru, went viral on social media platforms for allegedly owning a vehicle that was approximated to cost between Ksh10-20 Million, with most saying that the money had been gotten from proceeds of corruption.

Ian responded saying,”I do not own an Aston Martin, I have however driven one belonging to a good friend that let me have a go. So no, the car does not belong to me or anyone in my family. And the video was just a fun little post. Thank you. On a lighter note. I wish I did own one.”

A file image of Ian Waiguru, the Kirinyaga governor's son

A file image of Ian Waiguru, the Kirinyaga governor’s son

4.) Politician Mohammed Bajaber

Sheikh Ali Yassir Bajaber and Mr. Abdalla Salim Bajaber, children of Mombasa politician and businessman Mohammed Bajaber were charged in a Mombasa court with diverting money for personal use after collecting it from a donor in Uganda.

The two were among suspects charged with the disappearance of Sh50 million of charity funds meant for the poor and people living with disabilities in Kilifi County

Aisha Jumwa is the latest entrant having involved her son and daughter in the stealing of Malindi CDF funds.

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