Corridors Of Power

2022: Gideon Moi To Be Raila’s Running Mate

The Orange Democratic Movement party leader Raila Odinga is weighing various options including that of having Baringo senator Gideon Moi as his running mate in 2022. Weekly Citizen has information that due to pressure from core family members, and his friendly world leaders, Raila has decided to go for the presidency. However, if the political terrain shifts, he will decide to retire from active politics with his handshake friend Uhuru Kenyatta.

Raila, banking on his newfound political friendship between the two prominent families on the country’s political scene that have ruled Kenya, will be going for a political union with Kenyatta and Moi families to make his fifth stab at the presidency. The ODM leader has capitalised on the bad blood between deputy president William Ruto and Gideon to win the Kenyatta family on his side.

The power deal between the Kenyattas, Mois and the Odingas was worked on during the period former Daniel Moi was bedridden at his Kabarak home. By then, Raila and Uhuru handshake politics was taking root in a section of Jubilee and ODM.

Informed sources reveal that the late Moi was comfortable with the handshake politics when he was told it would completely spell doom to Ruto’s presidency bid 2022. During the period he was indisposed, the late former head of state was not concerned about his health but the future of his family, multi-billion investments in Kenya and abroad after Uhuru having declared to back Ruto after his ten years tenure in power.

Late Moi’s fear was pegged on the fact that if Ruto succeeded Uhuru, his family will be the first target. The late president’s headache even before he died was that Ruto had gone ahead to be installed a Kalenjin elder, a position Moi had never relinquished even after serving and retiring from politics with 24 years as presidency. Moi is said to have anointed the handshake deal between Uhuru and Raila as long as it was to accommodate his favourite son Gideon, and isolate Ruto. It was at Kabarak that Rongai MP Raymond Moi was told by his father to hand over the Nyayo rungu as the eldest son, after the demise of rally ace, Jonathan Moi, and hand it over to Gideon. The move was symbolic, politically, as it was to anoint Gideon as the apparent heir on matters relating to politics and Raymond remained head of the family.

The late ex-president Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi
It is imperative to note that a month after Uhuru and Raila handshake at Harambee House, on March 9 2018 come April 12 2018, Raila held talks with the former president at his Kabarak home. Gideon was the one who welcomed him. Whereas Gideon was with Kanu secretary Nick Salat, Raila was accompanied by Senator George Khaniri and Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir. At the Kabarak talks that took two hours, it was closed door business with Gideon, Raila and Moi present as Khaniri and Nassir were kept waiting.

Insiders say, Uhuru and Gideon had organised the Kabarak Raila visit. Moi after briefs agreed the unity between the trio. The first Raila Kabarak visit came after he had fallen out with his co-principals in Nasa, ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi, Wiper counterpart Kalonzo Musyoka and Ford-Kenya Moses Wetang’ula. We have information that immediately after the handshake, Raila started building a new alliance ahead of 2022 isolating Mudavadi, Kalonzo and Wetang’ula. During the April 12 2018 visit to Kabarak, Raila is said to have asked Moi for forgiveness if he had wronged him at any given time.

The Mzee who was still then in his senses told Raila what was paramount in Kenya was unity and working with Uhuru in power and Gideon for the better of the country. Before Raila flew back to Nairobi, Moi in the middle held hands with both Raila and Gideon with ODM leader on his right and Gideon on the left. That was the blessings, according to sources. After Raila visit in April, Ruto was snubbed in May after landing in Kabarak. The excuse being that Ruto could not meet Moi as he was undergoing routine physiotherapy.

However, insiders then say, Gideon blocked the DP from seeing his ailing father. After Ruto’s Kabarak embarrassment, Uhuru on July 28 2018, visited Moi at his Kabarak residence. They held a closed-door meeting with Gideon present. Uhuru was going to attend the funeral service of Sarah Kasaon, wife of Lieutenant General Joseph Kasaon. Uhuru visit to Kabarak is said to have discussed Raila, Gideon power game. The decision to have Uhuru and Gideon strike a political pact and a working deal started way back in January 2017 ahead of the August polls. Mama Ngina Kenyatta then visited late Moi at his Kabarak home. With her was daughter Kristina Pratt.

At the meeting, the two discussed how their sons could work together. It was agreed, Kanu was to support Uhuru re-election. The talks also agreed for Uhuru and Gideon to work for the future. By then, fear was that due to Ruto factor, Gideon was tilting towards Nasa ahead of 2017 polls. At one time in 2017, worried Uhuru even called Gideon persuading him not to join Nasa. The Ngina visit came after January 11 2017, Bomas of Kenya meeting of Nasa affiliates where Salat attended and assured Kanu was firmly in Nasa. The next time Mama Ngina was to visit Moi was when he was admitted at Nairobi Hospital in late 2019. The Moi illness is said to have completely slowed down the UhuruRaila and Gideon power game.

Another silent player in the game is the combative and no-nonsense Cotu secretary general Francis Atwoli, a Kanu life member. Back in October 2017 after Uhuru visit to Kabarak, Atwoli paid courtesy call to then ailing Moi. Atwoli was with Devolution cabinet sectary Eugene Wamalwa. It is worth noting that during Easter holiday this year, Atwoli hosted Raila at his Kajiado palatial home together with Wamalwa, James Orengo, Junet Mohammed and Jubilee vice-chairman David Murathe.

On his way to Kajiado, Raila held a meeting with Gideon at Karen residence of former cabinet minister Paul Otuoma. The Atwoli residence meeting generated a lot of political heat when it emerged that apart from power sharing formula that featured within the talks, it was to have the recognition of former eight provincial administration or provinces being represented in the envisaged power share deal.

For the vast Rift Valley, talk is rife in Raila camp plans to split it into three regions, Central Rift, North Rift and South Rift. The move is aimed at weakening Ruto control of vast Rift Valley and if possible, leave him with only Uasin Gishu and Nandi counties. Even as Moi was sick in bed, signals the Moi family truce with the Odingas had been accepted by the Kenyattas emerged. Uhuru toured Kisumu and drove with Raila in his limousine. They were also spotted touring Kisumu port. President’s young brother Muhoho Kenyatta, whom analysts say like his mother Mama Ngina is a critical player in the presidency was hosted by Raila at AIC Nyamira in Bondo during the 25th anniversary of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.

Muhoho was in Bondo just 12 hours after his brother had left Kisumu then. His remarks: “In the spirit of our founding fathers, Mr Odinga and Mr Kenyatta have done something that has united the country. This is what our forefathers would have loved,” were telling. Present at the anniversary function was Jubilee secretarygeneral Raphael Tuju, Muhoho and Raila. Tuju is accused by Ruto allies of working toward the merger of Jubilee and Kanu headed by Gideon. Last year August, Raila was also with president’s Uhuru uncle George Muhoho, brother of Mama Ngina at a function in Kasipul constituency Ringa Boys’ Homa Bay county.

Uncle Muhoho was a key player in the formation of DP during the introduction of multiparty politics in Kenya. DP was used by former president Mwai Kibaki to run for presidency in 1992. DP was formed by full blessings of then Moi intelligence service to split the Kikuyu vote between Ford Asili. Moi handlers were then worried, Matiba was to enjoy full Kikuyu vote bloc in his favour.

Reports, we have is that, Gideon running mate bid is to split the Kalenjin block vote in favour of Raila as plot to isolate DP thickens. Initially the deal was to have Gideon run for presidency but the Kalenjin Rift Valley political terrain and that of Kikuyu land does not favour his candidature. The Kenyatta, Odinga, Moi families deal is to have Raila occupy presidency for one term of five years and hand over power to Gideon 2027. Remember, in Moi succession game plan, Gideon was the one who sold Uhuru project to his late father.

Despite resistance within Kanu, leading to defections that saw Kibaki succeed Moi, the late president stood his ground and Uhuru flew Kanu’s flag. Talk was then rife that Gideon plan was to have Uhuru hand over power to him. Just like Kibaki was to come in and serve the presidency for two terms before handing to the Kenyattas, the Odingas are the new architects in the national political power deals.

Impeccable intelligence reports indicate that it is not easy for Moi or Kenyatta family pass power without involving a stop gap president. Initial plan was to have Mudavadi succeed Uhuru. However, the deal was shelved on grounds that Mudavadi is younger than Raila and will have to serve two terms. Ten years waiting for power is too long hence, the Raila factor. Just like Ruto, Mudavadi is slowly being isolated in Uhuru succession game.

According to sources, the deal is to keep Mudavadi thinking he is a key player in the power strategy by accompanying Uhuru and Raila in major functions, as it is being witnessed now. Fear being that if he is isolated now, Mudavadi is bound to strike deal with Ruto and complicate Raila, the first target because of his financial muscle. Once his financial in lets are cut down to size, he will be rendered irrelevant in succession game.

Already, Ruto financial income within Kenya has been dwindling day and night. His international links are also being scuttled. Weekly Citizen has information that powerful forces surrounding Uhuru have decided Ruto will never represent Uhuru in any official international function as it was helping him work on networks with various world leaders and international businessmen of repute. With Ruto out, focus will be on Mudavadi. Mudavadi is not a threat on grounds that he cannot finance his presidential bid alone.

Those in the know say that in 2013, Mudavadi depended on a section in Kibaki regime and Moi family to fund his presidential bid. Come 2017, the Moi family threw its weight behind Uhuru forcing Mudavadi to join Nasa as co-principal. Raila had Kalonzo 2013 and 2017 as running mate. It is whispered elsewhere that Mudavadi formed Nasa as a soft landing political ground. Insiders within Uhuru succession reveal just like Mudavadi was as a Raila running mate in 2007, those involved also rate Kalonzo unable to mount a serious presidential campaign after having tried once in 2007. It is on these grounds that Kalonzo has agreed twice to be Raila running mate despite the ODM leader going against the MoU signed between him and Kalonzo.

The MoU stipulated, Raila was to step down for Kalonzo in 2017. Weekly Citizen has established, it is the Nasa MoU of 2017 that is troubling Raila to work on a new alliance 2022. Having fallen out with his co-principals, Raila could not control events in Nasa hence bolting out. As the handshake was to fix Ruto, it gave him an opportunity to weaken Nasa after Kalonzo, Mudavadi and Wetang’ula kept off his skittish swearing-in ceremony as president at Uhuru Park. With the handshake came BBI and emergency of political forces in perceived Ruto, Kalonzo, Mudavadi and Wetangula strongholds.

In North Rift Ruto stronghold, Elgeyo Marakwet governor Alex Tolgos was mandated to coordinate. Tolgos does not see eye-to-eye with Ruto due to the DP close association with Elgeyo Marakwet senator Kipchumba Murkomen. In South Rift, Nakuru governor Lee Kinyanjui, an associate of Gideon was put in charge. Kinyanjui played a key role in the burial of Jonathan and of course Moi. He runs BBI activities in the region. In Ukambani, Kitui governor Charity Ngilu is the BBI pointwoman. Ngilu’s political marriage with Kalonzo has hit rocks. Another governor brought in Ukambani region to tame Kalonzo using the BBI strategy is Makueni Kivutha Kibwana. Kalonzo was sidelined in BBI rally in Kitui that many had expected to be held at Machakos town, the pivotal centre of Ukambani politics. Kalonzo attended BBI Kitui function with shingo upande.

During Kitui BBI rally, Kalonzo announced he planned another BBI rally in Makueni with Mudavadi and Wetangula to attend. Just like Kalonzo was being isolated in BBI Ukambani rallies, in Western, Mudavadi was also experiencing the same. Controversy surrounded Bukhungu BBI rally forcing Mudavadi, Wetangula allies in the region to team up with DP Ruto frontmen to plan a parallel rally in Mumias. The Mumias rally failed to take off forcing Mudavadi and Wetangula attend Bukhungu one.

The successful Bukhungu rally was coordinated by Atwoli and Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya. Oparanya and Atwoli have fallen out with Mudavadi. With populous Bukusu vote block that traverses Bungoma and Trans Nzoia counties, CS Wamalwa is to counter Wetangula in the 2022 succession race. In Mount Kenya, Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru is the BBI coordinator together with Meru governor Kiraitu Murungi. We have established, with BBI proposing more political seats and sharing of power basing on genda if passed, Raila with then have Ngilu as his running mate with Gideon going for prime minister. Waiguru will be Gideon deputy prime minister with Ali Hassan Joho talking the second slot. The emerging CS Mutahi Kagwe factor in Central province has seen those involved go back to the drawing board to accommodate him.

-Weekly Citizen.

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