
Prophet Joshua Munguti Prophesies A Grisly Accident On Kenya Rugby Team For Mocking God

Prophets supposedly have the gifts to see through into the future and talk to God directly and now according to Joseph,the rugby boys are set for a big problem according to his latest prophesy;
“I saw Kenya rugby players involved in an accident.  Immediately when the accident occurred, before the media could get the report and reach at the accident spot, I was the first to arrive there spiritually and this is what I saw.
One Kenya rugby player was serious injured. His arms and legs were chopped-off and I saw the other Kenya rugby players help him out of a vehicle and lay him on the road side waiting for assistance. The other rugby players were not injured as much as this one player.
Kenya Media then arrived and I saw them try to take pictures of this injured player but they were being prevented. Some of them managed and this devastating news of Kenya Rugby players accident were aired all over Kenya.
Then I asked God why the accident and why only one player was seriously injured?

Immediately I was taken from the accident scene and through the injured player life, through Kenya Rugby training camps up to the time of the accident and this is what I can reveal.
The said injured player was Godly before been appointed to play for Kenya national rugby squid but recently when money, fame, trips abroad, etc, came into his life, he abused and denied God.
Remember when you (the injured player) said to your fellow rugby players, ‘you do not need this God now’? (some of the words of this injured player as revealed to me). Yet it is the same God you sought and He had favor and raised you even to play for the Kenya national rugby team?
God is not mocked
Gal 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows that he will also reap
Thus God entered to judge; prove that He is the God who raised you to even play for Kenya national rugby team. He is jealous of His lost sheep and He wants to humble you so that you can come back to Him.
God told me that since He is the one who gave the player talent, hands and legs to play rugby and he raise Him even to play for the Kenya national rugby team, gave him fame, money, trips abroad etc but instead the player turned his back on Him, abused, blasphemed and denied Him, He is going to humble the player and make sure that he will never play rugby again.
And yes! In the accident this said player arms and legs were chopped-off that he will never play rugby again.
I personally know the player even by his name as revealed to me by God but I am not going to name him. If the Kenya rugby players get this prophecy, they surely know who this player is among them even from the words of his mouth I have quoted.
I have never met the Kenya national rugby team nor have I ever attended their game as I write today.
Let us pray for the Kenya rugby team that God repents His anger on this player and any person who knows him, tell him to repent. It is devastating to see a high-profile Kenya rugby player career with a prosperous future been cut short forever.
*People, when God raises you, always humble yourself before Him. Do not let money, fame and world things make you abuse, blasphemy and deny God.*
God is watching and He is just.
God bless” Prophet Joseph Of Christian Truth Centre.

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