
EXPOSED: Buru Buru National Library Turning To Be A S3x Scavenging Ground For Youth

A scary trend had been brought to the knowledge of Nairobi Exposed prompting a thorough follow up on the allegations. During this holiday when the teenagers are at home and spend the whole day unmonitored since the parents are at work,a lot goes on.
Nimechill campaign advocating for abstinence from engaging in s3x amongst the youths seemingly getting ineffective,while it would pass as an acceptable course and no parent can possibly object,going to the library has become the easy escape route for s3x scavenging students.
This particular species gets out of house early for the library giving the parents an impression of a serious focused student,every parents dream. They are given the pocket money to keep them through,unknown to the parents,the same money will be used for other unethical purposes.
Buru Buru national library due to it’s strategic location attracts thousands of students from surrounding estates and from different schools countrywide. As others get into serious studies,others get into their disillusioned scavenging mission as one anonymous informer,a student who has been using the library reveals to NE,”this place has became easy s3x hunting grounds for hungries,if you are a loose chic you get bebwad myself I have seen many making out but they left when I ran into them,my friend the other day ran into a some Pango chic she knows and some jamaa having s3x in the ladies,that is not shocking because this trend of guys hooking up is rampant”
We get to learn the operatives of the scavengers,mostly its the boys who make the move Kuchinjia, it starts as any normal teenagers hooking up,if the chic falls for the venom,she will eventually get laid. Shocking enough even the young girls are aware of this trend and most are ready to give it up.
As one girl from Huruma girls reveals to NE in an interview,the trend is a no secret,”myself I know of a friend who has been chipod with about 4 guys just this holiday,she doesn’t miss coming even for a day,sometimes they do it here or she goes to their places,you know some chics are just bitchy and always want to have a story to tell when the schools open boasting about how many men they’ve slept with and so on,people come here as early as 9am and that’s the time hunting starts,by lunchtime they are couples it is funny”
A quick survey gives a glimpse of reality,a tendency of boy-girl seating arrangement is evident. After the “studies” you’ll spot them walking in pairs headed to the Tuskys shopping mall which is their centre,ice cream and all the hunting tools gets into operation.
However according to Mr. Joseph Mwai,the Library’s head of inspectorate in an interview with Nairobi Exposed,the allegations have been blown out of proportion,”it is no secret that whenever teenagers come together they might try their weapons and to an extent uncontrollable,as a library we are only responsible on what happens inside here and not outside,we have CCTVs surrounding the building and as much as we monitor and ensure discipline within the premise there are also black sheep amongst that we can’t refute,once in a while we catch unruly students and expel them immediately but the few unfocused should not spoil it for the rest”
Speaking to one of the subordinate staffs to get the true behind scenes,he makes an admission,”some of these students are really stubborn,while others are busy studying,they are busy here doing their own things,myself i’ve caught some kissing and about 3 s3x cases I know of have been reported and both were expelled,they have hot blood and finding hard time keeping their zips up”

Since the regulations are so clear that silence must be maintained,NE learns their trick of communicating which is through passing of a note on a paper,scavenger spots a target,writes a note,passed to her,she replies back and the conversation continues that simple the game is on,as one student laments,”this library is always full by 9am if you come later than that you won’t find a place to sit on,ironically they don’t come to study but kuchinjiana (hitting on each other) that’s the order of the day here.”
This tradition could possibly be a trend in many libraries across the country and this is just a case study,teenage s3x is a no secret no wonder a proposal of supplying condoms to high schools has been made. These kids are not only opening books……

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