
Caroli, Raila’s Ex-Chief Staff Is In Tears After Raila Conned Him

Beleaguered former chief of staff in the defunct office of Prime Minister Caroli Omondi, is a bitter man, with allegations that the ODM party conned him millions of money.

Caroli, who is struggling to win the elusive Suba South parliamentary seat on his third attempt on an ODM ticket has for the first time opened up to his confidants and alleged how he was lured back to ODM after ditching the party years ago, which has turned out to be a poisoned chalice.
According to reliable sources who attended meeting a month ago along Langata Road, convened by Caroli, he is said to have told his inner circle that Azimio Presidential aspirant Raila Odinga called him earlier this year for a meeting at Serena Hotel.

“When I got to the meeting, I found Raila seated with Governor Oparanya and ODM executive director Oduor Ongwen.

“Mzee (Raila) told me that he had reliable information that am very popular in Suba South and he wanted me back in ODM since I had vowed never to vie on an orange party ticket in my life,” continued Caroli.

He further told the meeting that Raila opened an envelope which contained an opinion poll which allegedly placed him at 60% in rankings way ahead of his competitors.

“I thereafter denounced my membership for DAP-Kenya which was the party I wanted to use for the race and rejoined ODM,” our informants quote Caroli saying.

He further told the meeting that he paid ODM Elections Board chair Catherine Mumma Sh15 million, Winnie Odinga Sh10m and an aide to Raila Sh20m so as to ‘complete the process’ of giving him a direct ticket to vie on an ODM ticket.

Our source adds that Caroli burst into tears after he realized he had been conned after his campaigns hit a snag.

He went underground for three months, March, April and May and only resurfaced on May 29th to present his papers at the IEBC offices in Magunga town, where his support has nose dived.
With his financial muscle to campaign crippled, Caroli has turned out to village tycoons Walter Achango, Phabian Kichia, Sangara Kwach, Suleiman Jarabu and a Mr. Ogora to finance his wounded campaigns against a charged competitor, youthful businessman Stephene Sangira.

The businessmen are said to have been promised non existent multi million shillings tenders in the event of a victory, a dream that is dying with each passing day.

Jarabu, who operates in Kiwa Island, is said to have intimated to his close associates after taking one too many that chances for a Caroli victory are becoming slim with each passing day, since the common man has vowed to reach their candidate a lesson, for lacking people skills.

Local political pundits had earlier this year predicted a Sangira win had ODM held free and fair nominations in the party primaries, and there is every indication that Sangira is bagging the Suba South seat on an independent ticket, with Raila Odinga as his preferred presidential candidate.

In a meeting co-chaired by the Nyanza Regional Commissioner Magu Mutindika and Presidential Delivery Unit Director Hon. Silvance Kosele last Friday at a Mbita Hotel, National Government Administration Officers (NGAO) confirmed to the duo that Caroli was headed for a resounding defeat in the hands of the youthful Sangira, who is said to be holding more than 6 meetings a day deep into the night, and is popular with the women and youth.

Caroli supporters are now left complaining that their candidate rarely spends time in his Laknyiero village home, but hides inside Mr. Ogora’s home in Nyabera, campaigning at night with a Probox motor vehicle, after his landcruiser V8 developed mechanical problems.

He also spends time with petite women ferried from Nairobi by his handyman locally known as Ligwara to a hotel called Supanova, in Nyatike Constituency. Caroli is said to have booked the entire second floor for his escapades.

It is imperative to note that the hotel is owned by his notorious longtime friend Alex Kazongo, who once served as the NSSF Managing Trustee, before being hounded out of office. He rarely shies away from telling any villager who cares to listen that he was not for ODM, but was forced with the party ticket, which is now killing his stillborn political ambitions.
At 57 years of age, Caroli will be probably making his last political attempt.

He has now turned his campaign rallies into cries, to get sympathy votes as he tells the electorate that he has spent millions for the last 15 years to win the seat, but the electorate have been asking him one question, why he doesn’t pick nor return calls.

“After we overwhelmingly voted for Caroli in 2017, he switched off his phone, and only activated that airtel line 3 months ago, we are not ready for that kind of leadership in Suba South,” said Kevin Oswago, a voter in Kaksingri West Ward operating in Sindo town.

Questions are also abound about his marital status, with unconfirmed reports indicating that he has since divorced 4 wives, hence he reason he avoids his imposing home in Laknyiero, Nyatambe Village.

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