
EXPOSED: Ten Ways Of How The Fake Pastors Extort From The Public

Even in the Bible its clearly stated that during the end times the prophets of doom shall show up from all corners and true to these words Kenya has seen the rise of it’s own breed. The Panda Mbegu breed of pastors have in the recent past increased by a large number.
The church according to some unscrupulous minds has become the get rich scheme and true to the words its working,one simply needs basic Bible skills and off you go.
A stain on a clean white shirt spoils it all such that its the only noticeable thing,fake pastors tend to overshadow the true legit pastors. Nairobi Exposed therefore shall reveal common tricks used by these fake pastors to extort the public.
When it gets to religious matters,everyone is vulnerable to being duped by these pastors but there most preferred lot is the poor since they are surrounded with much problems and ready to give in to any thing that would take them out of the sorry lives.
• Buying Anointing Oil.
-This is very common and the quickest way these pastors are.making money off the worshipers pockets who are in need of the God’s blessing.
But here is how the trick works and this has been approved,they buy oil and normally its Olive Oil from the supermarket at say sh.1000,this is then subdivided into portions filling small bottles of say up to 200 bottles for every 1k worth of olive oil.
The olive oil now trading under Anointing Oil in the small bottles shall go for sh.500 each,simple maths, sh.500 by the 200 small bottles gives sh.100,000 now keep in mind the olive oil now disguised as anointing oil was bought at sh.1000,just like a magic the pastor made a clean sh.99,000 profit and that’s only on 200 worshipers now imagine if thousands of them bought the “anointing oil”
• Holy Water
This is also another field of trick and as Nairobi Exposed finds out,the water used is just the normal tap water commonly referred to as maji ya kanjo abracadabra starts,the water undergoes extreme makeover,plastic bottles bought and labels clearly marked with heaven promising words such as “holy water by pastor,prophet,Dr……”  not missing,a clear marketing strategy. The water won’t go for free,if you need it,buy it.
• Selling miracles
Just like any other market,miracles is their ultimate market bargaining point,people will always want to experience miracles and that’s why these fake pastors have gone to the great heights of faking miracles to pull more people to their churches signalling more revenue.
Common example is pastor Njoroge who had slept with a prostitute and paid her to act as a miracle beneficiary in the church. A walk in river road where many of these commercial churches flock,one doesn’t miss cardboard with “welcome for instant miracles….” Kind of messages,meant to pull crowds.
My Bible memory is a bit blur but at one point the devil challenged Jesus while in the wilderness to turn a stone into bread to prove his powers but he declined saying God’s work shall not be put into test but the panda Mbegu pastors will attempt to turn the stone into bread if that what it takes to get the masses into their churches.
• Booking Appointments.
This is also yet another stealing grounds as Nairobi Exposed unearths,again in the Bible a lady who was bleeding for years followed Jesus just to touch his clothe with belief that should she come into close contact with him,she shall be healed and true to the word she was healed after touching his cloth.
The panda mbegu pastors are
Banking on this too,people take them as true servants of God and with special powers to heal and solve their problems,so by having a one on one meeting with the pastor will mean so much or assured healing,supposedly.
In most of the programmes on TV you’ll see them beaming the numbers to call for booking the appointment with the pastor for a one on one chat.
However its not that simple as you’d think,before you meet the pastor you’ll have to pay something and normally the assistants are instructed to first listen to your problem and value your worth from the conversation then you’ll be given a quotation at times an appointment could cost as low as 2k and as high as 20k just to see the pastor. But you’ll never meet them and talk for free,not the televangelists.
Panda Mbegu
This is the ultimate punchline that they give,by saying the hand that gives,receives and the more you give the more you’ll receive,sowing the seed is there way of getting the pay and to these fake pastors,this is the most vital point in the whole process and are very keen on members contributions in fact some churches have crafted sleekly ways of doing this.
One has to put his seed into an envelope with names clearly written for the pastor to check after service,some churches also doesn’t allow coins as sadaka because of the low values. Notes are highly welcomed.

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